java Programming Glossary: queue.poll
8-Puzzle Solution executes infinitely queue.isEmpty Get the lowest priority state. State state queue.poll If it's the goal we're done. if state.isGoal long elapsed..
How to get names of classes inside a jar file?
java.util.ConcurrentLinkedQueue without any action on your part queue.add obj or queue.poll obj However non atomic calls to the queue are not automatically.. are not automatically threadsafe if queue.isEmpty queue.poll obj That last one is not threadsafe as it is very possible that.. this is like this synchronized queue if queue.isEmpty queue.poll obj Again...atomic calls to the queue are automatically thread..
How to use ConcurrentLinkedQueue? to do this in the remove method while queue.size 0 wait queue.poll I only have one consumer and one producer. Thanks and best regards... poll will return null so check it YourObject myObject queue.poll For more info see the Javadoc EDIT If you need to block waiting..