java Programming Glossary: query.getresultlist
How to properly convert List of specific objects to Gson? username @SuppressWarnings unchecked List Message messages query.getResultList return messages EDIT 2 No my List Message object isn't proxied...
How to call Oracle Function or Procedure using Hibernate 4 (EntityManager) or JPA 2
parameterizing object properties LIKE lastName query.setParameter lastName lastName return query.getResultList @Override public Owner findById int id using 'join fetch' because..
Calling stored procedure from Java / JPA .setParameter 2 companyId List EmployeeDetails result query.getResultList Things I have noticed parameter names didn't work for me so..
Multiple Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource query getEntityManager .createQuery queryString return query.getResultList catch RuntimeException re throw re My two persitence.xml files.. query getEntityManager .createQuery queryString return query.getResultList catch RuntimeException re throw re So basically you can see..
JPA native query join returns object but dereference throws class cast exception Query query em.createNativeQuery SQL_JOIN out query.getResultList System.out.println return object out System.out.println out.get..
When should EntityManagerFactory instance be created/opened? em.createNativeQuery JPQL_JOIN just some random query out query.getResultList catch Exception e handle error.... finally if em null em.close..