

java Programming Glossary: programing

How do I get which JRadioButton is selected from a ButtonGroup


easier way to find out which button has been selected I'm programing this in Java 1.3.1 and swing. java swing share improve this..

Is the future of Java doomed in light ofthe current Google Oracle lawsuit? [closed]


is not yet a company that is used to develop and drive a programing language. I see it completly different. This is a chance to..

Best way to extracting only the bold text from a PDF


not everything Any solution is useful regardless of the programing language. Thank you c# java pdf text fonts share improve..

Restlet POSTing JSON to Appengine error


The process was really chaotic reminded me of days programing for the Win32 I was just changing settings until it started..

Why and what for: java enum


to such solution. I never used enums and I have been programing in java for more than couple a years now. And apparently they.. Now why and what for should I use enum in day to day programing java enums share improve this question You should always..

How to get all dates of sundays in a particular year in Java


in Java am seriously looking for this code...am now to programing actually i want to make all dates with flag which all are sunday..

Is it safe when compare 2 float/double directly in Java?


float double a b b c It may hear ridiculous but in my old programing language sometimes 1 2 3 is false because left side returns..

Benchmarking inside Java code


One way to do it less invasively is using Aspect oriented programing. You can create just one Aspect that runs on a particular Annotation..

Get a key from JTextArea


implements DocumentFilter notice for Chars reservated by programing language s you have to use double escapes instead of or instead..