

java Programming Glossary: profiles

Different dependencies for different build profiles in maven


dependencies for different build profiles in maven Is it possible to have a different set of dependencies.. set of dependencies in a maven pom.xml file for different profiles e.g. mvn P debug mvn P release I'd like to pick up a different.. the profile declaration itself and do the same for debug . profiles profile id debug id dependencies dependency lt dependency dependencies..

Maven and the JOGL library?


With item 1 I've found some OS specific features Maven profiles can be activated based on properties of the system which include.. a standard dependency on the Java artifact and indeed use profiles for the architecture specific dependency. Something like this.. version 2.0 beta10 version dependency ... dependencies ... profiles profile id linux i586 id activation os arch i386 arch family..

How to parse a JSON and turn its values into an Array?


JSONs followed by the VALUES of the JSONS. It would print profiles john if the json was like this 'profiles' 'john' That's cool... It would print profiles john if the json was like this 'profiles' 'john' That's cool. That's fine as I can work with those variables... those variables. However what if the JSON was like this 'profiles' 'name' 'john' 'age' 44 'name' 'Alex' 'age' 11 In this case..

Measure execution time for a Java method [duplicate]


Profiler Application Performance Application Performance profiles method level CPU performance execution time . You can choose..

problem using ImageIO.write jpg file


is corrupted and Toolkit.createImage ignores all color profiles. If so then this will reduce the quality of JPEGs that have..

RGB to CMYK and back algorithm


to map from RGB to CMYK. Adobe has some ICC color profiles available for download 1 but I'm not sure how they are licensed... not sure how they are licensed. Once you have the color profiles something like the following would do the job import java.awt.color.ColorSpace..

Java: How to Implement Iterable


static void main String args m_PC new ProfileCollection profiles.xml properly outputs a profile System.out.println m_PC.GetActiveProfile.. m_PC.GetActiveProfile not actually outputting any profiles for Iterator i m_PC.iterator i.hasNext System.out.println i.next..

How do I save Eclipse launch profiles across workspaces?


do I save Eclipse launch profiles across workspaces When I copy an Eclipse project directory.. not external. However this procedure doesn't cause launch profiles to travel with the directory. Is there some other file directory.. to another instance of Eclipse that will include my launch profiles java eclipse share improve this question Try choosing a..

force Maven2 to copy dependencies into target/lib


improve this question This works for me project ... profiles profile id qa id build plugins plugin artifactId maven dependency..