

java Programming Glossary: productive

Default profile in Spring 3.1


profiles share improve this question Define your productive environment as default profile in your web.xml context param..

Is Eclipse the best IDE for Java? [closed]


about this feature and how it can really make you more productive '. As far as I've found nothing like that exists. If you want..

What is the reason for these PMD rules?


is a myth. PMD is letting you know this is just counter productive clutter. Specifying final on a local variable should be very..

Modern alternatives to Java [closed]


understand things faster. It will take some time to become productive. IDE support is pretty good from what I've seen. But then the.. answer. If you want to ditch Java right now and become productive immediately go for Scala. If you don't mind continuing to use..

When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions


in cases where the caller might be able to recover in some productive way where as an unchecked exception would be more for unrecoverable..

Java Webservice Client (Best way)


from it I don't like its architecture and hate its counter productive deployment model. I find it to be low quality project. I don't..

Important frameworks/tools to learn


you ideally want to be the kind of developer who can be productive at any layer of a production app. So learn something about each..

Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool


This is a hard one to judge. Personally I think I'm more productive in ibatis but I'm also really comfortable with SQL. Some will.. comfortable with SQL. Some will argue they're way more productive with Hibernate but this is possibly due at least in part to..

Change file permissions in DDMS (Android)


Date columns in SQL-Server (MSSQL-JDBC 3.0) running under Java 1.7.0 retrieved as 2 days in the past


I have not the faintest idea what the effects on our productive environment may be. Ideally it should just work but that what.. updated to JDK1.6.0_29. jTDS it is then... we switched the productive server yesterday I fixed tow places where the application was..