

java Programming Glossary: pragmatic

Java Integer: Constant Pool


existing implementation techniques. The rules above are a pragmatic compromise. The final clause above requires that certain common..

Why equal operator works for Integer value until 128 number?


existing implementation techniques. The rules above are a pragmatic compromise. The final clause above requires that certain common..

Weird Integer boxing in Java


existing implementation techniques. The rules above are a pragmatic compromise. The final clause above requires that certain common..

can I reflectively instantiate a generic type in java?


Edit I like Marcus' approach as being the most simple and pragmatic without circumventing the whole generics thing. I can use it..

Integer wrapper objects share the same instances only within the value 127?


existing implementation techniques. The rules above are a pragmatic compromise. The final clause above requires that certain common..

Making a private method public to unit test it…good idea?


Easymock Powermock to allow you to do this. You have to be pragmatic about it and you should also be aware of the reasons why things..

Reason for the exsistance of non-short-circuit logical operators


it's way too easy to misread if foo bar but there we go a pragmatic reason for having non short circuit versions. Original answer..