java Programming Glossary: postgresql
Driver JDBC PostgreSQL with Android [duplicate] has an answer here java.lang.ClassNotFoundException org.postgresql.Driver Android 1 answer I'm trying to connect my android.. but i have this error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException org.postgresql.Driver ... Caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError org postgresql.. ... Caused by java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError org postgresql Driver ... 12 more Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException..
How to get a value from the last inserted row? I am using Java with a JDBC and PostgreSQL. java database postgresql jdbc share improve this question PostgresSQL RETURNING INSERT..
jdbc connection pooling cpds new ComboPooledDataSource cpds.setDriverClass org.postgresql.Driver loads the jdbc driver cpds.setJdbcUrl jdbc postgresql.. loads the jdbc driver cpds.setJdbcUrl jdbc postgresql localhost testdb cpds.setUser swaldman cpds.setPassword test..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] 3.5 breaks and won't fix this annotation combination in postgresql with no workaround . I have not found a clear fix so far but.. I did notice that if I just remove the @Lob it uses the postgresql type bytea which works but only on postgres . annotation postgres.. works on byte @Lob oid blob oracle byte bytea raw 255 postgresql byte @Type PBA oid blob oracle byte @Type BT bytea blob postgresql..
Hibernate use of PostgreSQL sequence does not affect sequence table it store the last generated id Thank you. java hibernate postgresql orm hibernate mapping share improve this question I had..
PersistenceContext EntityManager injection NullPointerException WEB INF classes WEB INF classes postgresql ds.xml WEB INF jboss web.xml WEB INF web.xml index.jsp persistence.xml..
HQL - row identifier for pagination on oracle it will create a subselect with ROWNUM X. on postgresql it will issue a LIMIT OFFSET on msSQL server it will issue a..
XML data to PostgreSql database any useful method to do this. java xml database parsing postgresql share improve this question Postgres has thanks to Daniel..
Which is better? Performing calculations in sql or in your application [closed] and other aspects and why java .net sql performance postgresql share improve this question It depends on a lot of factors..
How to choose the id generation strategy when using hibernate of type long short or int. sequence uses a sequence in DB2 PostgreSQL Oracle SAP DB McKoi or a generator in Interbase. The returned..
Driver JDBC PostgreSQL with Android [duplicate] JDBC PostgreSQL with Android duplicate This question already has an answer.. I'm trying to connect my android application to a server PostgreSQL with JDBC Driver but i have this error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.. server directly to the Internet not much of a worry with PostgreSQL so long as you use SSL but still better not to have to do at..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver, Android JDBC3 but no luck there either. I looked at Driver JDBC PostgreSQL with Android which provided a vague answer saying I would be.. share improve this question It's a CLASSPATH issue the PostgreSQL JDBC driver isn't available when the class loader tries to load..
mapping a postgres array with hibernate of elements mappings so that's not what you want. Latest PostgreSQL JDBC driver 8.4.whatever supports JDBC4 Connection.createArrayOf..
How to get the insert ID in JDBC? with this. MySQL and DB2 already supported it for ages. PostgreSQL started to support it short ago. No wording about MSSQL as I've..
ResultSet to Pagination SQL syntax however depends on the DB used. In MySQL and PostgreSQL it is easy with LIMIT and OFFSET clauses private static final..
How to execute sql-script file in java?
How to get a value from the last inserted row? to be unique in the table. I am using Java with a JDBC and PostgreSQL. java database postgresql jdbc share improve this question..
Get query from java.sql.PreparedStatement To my experience the ones which do so are at least the PostgreSQL 8.x and MySQL 5.x JDBC drivers. For the case your JDBC driver..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] it is hard to know what to look at when sub classing the PostgreSQLDialect . AFAKT Types.BLOB 'oid' on postgresql should be mapped.. or a SQL LONGVARBINARY depending on the Column size that PostgreSQL handles with a bytea . But if you want the byte to be stored.. to Blob. And Hibernate will map it to a SQL BLOB that PostgreSQL handles with a oid . Is this fixed in some recent version of..
Hibernate use of PostgreSQL sequence does not affect sequence table use of PostgreSQL sequence does not affect sequence table I've configured Hibernate.. affect sequence table I've configured Hibernate to use PostgreSQL sequence via annotations to generate values for primary key..
Mapping array with Hibernate private int values omitting getters and setters I'm using PostgreSQL and the column type n the table is integer How my array should..
access to auto increment identity field after SQL insert in java Server For databases where it doesn't work HSQLDB Oracle PostgreSQL etc you will need to futz with database specific tricks. For.. need to futz with database specific tricks. For example on PostgreSQL you would make a call to SELECT NEXTVAL ... for the sequence..