

java Programming Glossary: possessive

How can we match a^n b^n with Java regex?


fix should now be obvious combine optional repetition with possessive quantifier. That is instead of simply use instead remember that.. instead remember that a repetition that is quantified as possessive does not backtrack even if such cooperation may result in a.. is what and says optional It doesn't have to be there possessive but if it is there you must take it and not let go optional..

How does this Java regex detect palindromes?


of problematic resetting We solved the problem by using possessive quantifier but this is not applicable here The third point is..

Regular expression to parse a log file and find stacktraces


combines the whitespace between the at... lines and uses possessive quantifiers to avoid backtracking. share improve this answer..

What is a regex “independent capturing group”?


information for a matched group. So this expression is possessive it won't back off even if doing so is the only way for the regex..

Are Java and C# regular expressions compatible?


YES n explicit capture modifier .NET YES Java NO and m n possessive quantifiers .NET NO Java YES text positive lookbehind .NET Full..