

java Programming Glossary: preferredsize

JScrollPane resize containing JPanel when scrollbars appear


Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize Dimension preferredSize buttonContainer.getPreferredSize if getParent instanceof JViewport.. if getParent instanceof JViewport preferredSize.width JScrollPane getParent .getParent .getVerticalScrollBar.. .getVerticalScrollBar .getPreferredSize .width return preferredSize @Override public int getScrollableBlockIncrement Rectangle visibleRect..

Pacman open/close mouth animation


r class PacManComponent extends JPanel double angle 0d int preferredSize 100 double diff Math.PI 8 boolean chomp true Timer timer PacManComponent.. public Dimension getPreferredSize return new Dimension preferredSize preferredSize @Override public void paintComponent Graphics.. getPreferredSize return new Dimension preferredSize preferredSize @Override public void paintComponent Graphics g super.paintComponent..

How to resize JTable column to string length?


to a particular font metrics . You're interested in the preferredSize of the renderingComponent which renderers the cell content...

Printing a large Swing component


createPanel This JPanel has a JScrollPane in it with its preferredSize equal to that of its viewport component which is not what I..

JSpinner: Increase length of editor box


Then call getTextField on this. Then you can set it's preferredSize if desired. Edit as noted by trashgod though using a proper..

set maximum size of JPanel inside BorderLayout.CENTER


width but the height must stop at a maximum and use the preferredSize when possible. I have this code JPanel wrapperCenterPanel new..

Java raw audio output


Code Key bPlay.setToolTipText Click to make tone Dimension preferredSize bPlay.getPreferredSize bPlay.setPreferredSize new Dimension.. bPlay.setPreferredSize new Dimension int preferredSize.getWidth int preferredSize.getHeight 3 TODO comment out to.. new Dimension int preferredSize.getWidth int preferredSize.getHeight 3 TODO comment out to try KeyListener bPlay.setFocusable..

Can instantiate the type DocumentListener


0.0 alignmentY 0.0 border flags 9 maximumSize minimumSize preferredSize javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI UpdateHandler@27b62aab javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret.. 0.0 alignmentY 0.0 border flags 9 maximumSize minimumSize preferredSize javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTextUI UpdateHandler@27b62aab javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret..

drawing a simple line graph in Java


your code and suggestions Again you need to change the preferredSize of the component here the Graph JPanel not the size Don't set..

Simple ActionListener within a 2D array of JButtons


flags 296 maximumSize minimumSize preferredSize defaultIcon disabledIcon disabledSelectedIcon margin javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource..