java Programming Glossary: pref
JavaFx 2 create TableView with single column the past without luck. The workaround was either set the pref width of the cityColumn to cover whole space manually TableColumn..
How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable table.getColumnCount int rowCount table.getRowCount int preferredHeights new int columnCount rowCount TableCellRenderer renderer.. table tableModel.getValueAt row col false false row col preferredHeights col row int comp.getPreferredSize .getHeight for.. .getHeight for int row 0 row rowCount row int pref 0 for int col 0 col columnCount col pref Math.max pref preferredHeights..
JMenuBar SelectionModel ChangeListener only fires once dirtyness is its reliance on RootPaneLayout respecting the pref height ... The revised ChangeListener bar.setHidden true ChangeListener.. @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize Dimension pref super.getPreferredSize if hidden pref.height 0 return pref..
Clearing preferences in SharedPreferences in Android, not just Values preferences in SharedPreferences in Android not just Values from.. out of the SharedPreferences documentation I can update a preference add one or clear all preference values in a shared preference.. I can update a preference add one or clear all preference values in a shared preference file. But I want to completely..
Getting active window information in Java int GetWindowThreadProcessId HWND hWnd PointerByReference pref public static native HWND GetForegroundWindow public static..
Why does the JTable header not appear in the image? been shown fake a all ready p.addNotify manually size to pref p.setSize p.getPreferredSize validate to force recursive doLayout..