java Programming Glossary: posts
Facebook offline access step-by-step documented. Here's what I did to be able to load my wall posts as me from a server side only not part of a browser session..
How does the String class override the + operator? into a StringBuilder in the background http posts java bytecode string concatenation and stringbuilder This java..
Java Double Checked Locking years now is subject to any issues. I've looked at many posts and articles on the subject and understand the potential issues..
Choosing a Java Web Framework now? [closed] Roo or Play will be very helpful. I did find similar posts like this but it is more than a year old. Things have surely.. life feedback. Until then I'll wait. I did find similar posts ... . Things have surely changed in the mean time Yes and no..
How to parse JSON in Java object2 367 65 q160119538822_4127.jpg posts post_id 160119538822_302076968822 actor_id 1183856639 picOfPersonWhoPosted..
Is there a way to split strings with String.split() and include the delimiters?
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android days I got it figured out thanks to some very helpful posts. I had to replace tmp device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate self signed server certificate I have looked into various posts about how to retrieve something via HTTPS on Android from a..
Is Java “pass-by-reference”? was pass by reference however I've seen a couple of blog posts e.g. this blog that claim it's not. I don't think I understand..
Java Generics java generics share improve this question As the other posts have noted you're asking about a java feature called generics...
How can interfaces replace the need for multiple inheritance when have existing classes Sorry for this post. I know that there are many many posts on stackoverflow which are discussing multiple inheritance...
Why do people still use primitive types in Java? Java Item 5 Avoid creating unnecessary objects he posts the following code example public static void main String args..
The MVC pattern and SWING is the MVC pattern. I've been through quite a few of the posts at this site which discuss the pattern but I still do not feel..
Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation vs unchecked exception explanation I have read multiple posts on StackOverFlow about checked vs unchecked exceptions. I'm..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] out because it had zero votes in a thread where all other posts have plenty of votes..Height of foolishness.. getWindow .setSoftInputMode..
How to generate exceptions from RepaintManager generate RepaintManager exceptions EDIT I read these two posts by Alexander Potochkin but seems to nothing solved my issues..
Websphere all logs are going to SystemOut.log what you're seeing. There are multiple references and blog posts that describe ways to address this. We've found the simplest..
How to reference components in JSF ajax? Cannot find component with identifier “foo” in view to grasp some concepts around the subject I read some posts but all of them seemed to describe really complicated recepis...
What is your favorite hot-key in Eclipse? [closed] Eclipse hotkeys has returned a bunch of 'Top 10 Hot Key' posts but that's about it. What are your favorite hotkeys And which..