java Programming Glossary: practices
How to create war files to create war files What are the best practices of creating war files using eclipse to run on tomcat tutorials..
How do I speed up the gwt compiler? annoying. We're going to start altering our working practices to mitigate the problem including a greater emphasis on the..
Can anyone recommend a simple Java web-app framework? [closed] It is unusual in that it eschews some common Java best practices in favor of keeping things as simple as possible. In particular.. a useful web framework and sticking to common Java best practices and idioms is secondary to that. This approach makes sense to..
How should I give images rounded corners in Android? I loaded to have round corners. Any hints tutorials best practices you know of java android image share improve this question..
Type List vs type ArrayList in Java 2 wouldn't suffice..aside 'coding to interfaces' and best practices etc. Thanks java list interface share improve this question..
JDBC MySql Connection Pooling practices MySql Connection Pooling practices I have a Java JSF Web Application on GlassFish in which I want..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] How do you handle it and what are the pitfalls and best practices you've discovered to run interactively on Java or Android These..
Catching java.lang.OutOfMemoryError? doesn't allocate any memory by itself any tools or best practices java try catch outofmemoryerror share improve this question..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? and handle HTTP requests Are there other hints and best practices on this that may be useful java http httprequest httpurlconnection..
Use of Java [Interfaces / Abstract classes] more i guess it's never to soon to start with good practices . I am programming a little 2D game for now but i think my question..
Why only 1 public class in Java file a strict approach that enforces their idea of good design practices and this is part of that theme. Contrast that with the anything..
Best practices for exception management in Java or C# practices for exception management in Java or C# I'm stuck deciding how.. is fine but I'm really curious to know what the best practices are for managing exceptions should I really bubble an exception.. either via a log or a notification to the user What best practices are there for exceptions that don't result in everything requiring..
uploading of pdf file learning resource ever. Don't use it. It only teaches bad practices. Add that site to your blacklist. Apart from the fact that you..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? threads running such as if your app quits . Obeying best practices with regards to Threads should ensure that your app doesn't..
What makes JNI calls slow? document. The 2009 IBM developerWorks paper Best practices for using the Java Native Interface provides some suggestions..
Best practice for setting JFrame locations to GUI programming in general. Are there recognized best practices on where to locate the JFrame instances used in the application.. we want I have always assumed there were some best practices kind of a GUI bible about this am I wrong and should I gasp..
Java Best Practices to Prevent Cross Site Scripting Best Practices to Prevent Cross Site Scripting I have go through the OWASP..
Best Practices to Create and Download a huge ZIP (from several BLOBs) in a WebApp Practices to Create and Download a huge ZIP from several BLOBs in a WebApp..
What to use? MVC, MVP or MVVM or?? Lentzsch of JGoodies fame in the Swing Frameworks and Best Practices thread. If you don't know Karsten and JGoodies then believe..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games Best Practices closed I'm performance tuning interactive games in Java for..
Hibernate/JPA DB Schema Generation Best Practices JPA DB Schema Generation Best Practices I just wanted to hear the opinion of Hibernate experts about..
Best practices for exception management in Java or C# some excellent sources on exception management online Best Practices for Exception Handling O'Reilly Media Exception Handling Best.. Exception Handling O'Reilly Media Exception Handling Best Practices in .NET Best Practices Exception Management Article now points.. Media Exception Handling Best Practices in .NET Best Practices Exception Management Article now points to copy..
Copy an object in Java Another option by using Copy Constructor from Java Practices public final class Galaxy public Galaxy double aMass String..
How do I format a number in java? java How do I format a number in java What are the Best Practices Will I need to round a number before I format it 32.302342342342343..