java Programming Glossary: postgres
How to implement a db listener in Java Oracle Streams provide more sophisticated queue mechanisms Postgres The NOTIFY statement is a simple means for such notification..
Wicket Dynamic Image URL 1.4.0 running in Tomcat 6.0.18. The image is stored in a Postgres database retrieved via JDBC. The image needs to be rendered..
How can you call custom database functions with Hibernate? If I were to define some function in the database perhaps Postgres or any other database create or replace function isValidCookie..
Distributed sequence number generation? using database sequences in the past. e.g. Using Postgres SERIAL type http docs sequences I'm curious though..
Hibernate saving User model to Postgres saving User model to Postgres I'm using Postgres via Hibernate annotations but it seems to.. saving User model to Postgres I'm using Postgres via Hibernate annotations but it seems to be falling over dealing..
Postgresql UUID supported by Hibernate? UUID supported by Hibernate I'm desperate can't get Hibernate.. an SQLGrammarException which is explained by the error in Postgres query log column item_uuid is of type uuid but expression is..
org.dbunit.dataset.NoSuchTableException: Did not find table 'xxx' in schema 'null' of DBUnit 2.4 EclipseLink 2.1 as my JPA provider and Postgres as my backend database. Also in my scenario I was not dropping.. table names it looks for uppercase table names which Postgres didn't like. Therefore I needed to set the case sensitive feature..
XML data to PostgreSql database best way to insert XML data that i get from webpage into Postgresql database Im using Java and need little help finding good way.. parsing postgresql share improve this question Postgres has thanks to Daniel Lyons for pointing it out native XML support..
Getting events from a database across different PCs. They all share a common database Postgres in this case . Lets say one client changes a record in the DB..
JDBC connection pool runs out of connections when Context reload=“true” is enabled in Tomcat driverClassName org.postgresql.Driver url jdbc postgresql localhost 5432 somedb username.. driverClassName org.postgresql.Driver url jdbc postgresql localhost 5432 somedb username postgres password 12345 maxActive.. url jdbc postgresql localhost 5432 somedb username postgres password 12345 maxActive 100 minIdle 10 initialSize 10 validatonQuery..
mapping a postgres array with hibernate a postgres array with hibernate has anyone successfully mapped a numeric.. has anyone successfully mapped a numeric array in postgres to a numeric array in java via hibernate sql CREATE TABLE sal_emp.. exception when querying the table. java arrays hibernate postgresql share improve this question Hibernate does not support..
Hibernate saving User model to Postgres to put quotes around the table name as user seems to be a postgres keyword but how can I convince hibernate to do this itself Thanks.. to do this itself Thanks in advance. java hibernate postgresql orm share improve this question You need to escape the..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] 3.5 breaks and won't fix this annotation combination in postgresql with no workaround . I have not found a clear fix so far but.. I did notice that if I just remove the @Lob it uses the postgresql type bytea which works but only on postgres . annotation .. it uses the postgresql type bytea which works but only on postgres . annotation postgres oracle works on byte @Lob oid blob..
Is it possible to specify schema when connecting to postgres with JDBC? it possible to specify schema when connecting to postgres with JDBC Is it possible Can i specify it on the connection.. it on the connection URL How to do that java database postgresql jdbc share improve this question I don't believe there..
Recommendation System for a book store application So I have this simple java spring hibernate postgres book store application where in Book has the attributes title.. Thanks in advance. SerotoninChase. java hibernate postgresql spring mvc collaborative filtering share improve this question..