java Programming Glossary: pos
How to change highlighting color in Java Swing TextArea? And also, change the beginning of text corresponding to the highlighting location anyone know how to change this parameter solved Problem 2 pos is the beginning index of my substring which I want to highlight... which I want to highlight. I use setCaretPosition pos to update the showing content. But it always appears at the.. na third line Blabla nBlabla nBlabla nBlabla nBlabla int pos2 textArea.getText .indexOf turnToString2 textArea.getHighlighter..
How to check if a String is a numeric type in Java object to see if after parsing the string the parser position is at the end of the string. If it is we can assume the.. formatter NumberFormat.getInstance ParsePosition pos new ParsePosition 0 formatter.parse str pos return str.length..
Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField? only set the value when valid if validValue int old_caret_position getCaretPosition super.setValue value setCaretPosition.. super.setValue value setCaretPosition Math.min old_caret_position getText .length @Override protected boolean processKeyBinding.. want to make sure that the caret is placed in the correct position rather than the dumb default that is before the 1st character..
Immutability of Strings in Java 1 'a' Fictional method that sets character at a given pos in string System.out.println s2 Prints Hallo ''Edit to respond.. 'i' ' ' to s1 s1.replace 'Q' ' ' 1 Actually it is possible to mutate strings and other immutable objects . It requires..
uploading of pdf file contentType.substring lastIndex 1 contentType.length int pos extracting the index of file pos file.indexOf filename pos file.indexOf.. 1 contentType.length int pos extracting the index of file pos file.indexOf filename pos file.indexOf n pos 1 pos file.indexOf.. pos extracting the index of file pos file.indexOf filename pos file.indexOf n pos 1 pos file.indexOf n pos 1 pos file.indexOf..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? the Rego Thermal Printer. This as you note support the ESC POS Page Description Language . Printers interpret data streamed.. Description Languages . Common languages are Yours ESC POS . PostScript PCL ZPL You need to read the specifications for.. printer then you have a very large job ahead of you In ESC POS you will need to use the GS v 0 command documented on p33 ...
Lemmatization java Create StanfordCoreNLP object properties with POS tagging required for lemmatization and lemmatization Properties..
What is a good Java library for Parts-Of-Speech tagging? [closed] Speech tagging closed I'm looking for a good open source POS Tagger in Java. Here's what I have come up with so far. LingPipe.. nlp share improve this question Are you looking to tag POS in a specific domain Most of the general purpose taggers are.. biomedical text. For newswire text Adwait Ratnaparkhi's MXPOST is very good and is the one I would recommend. Other java implementations..
Guide on creating a Java Applet , Printing without prompt Printing without prompt Well I have created a web based POS to take order. My question is how do I create a Java Applet.. this. The waiter will key the orders from the computer POS when they hit print it will detect the I.P address of the printer..
Which NLP toolkit to use in JAVA? [closed] this question i would recommend you use a combination of POS tagging and then string tokenizing to extract all the nouns.. in giving you the important keywords from the abstract for POS tagging check out the POS tagger at http software.. keywords from the abstract for POS tagging check out the POS tagger at http software index.shtml However..