java Programming Glossary: portability
Drawing a Component to BufferedImage causes display corruption platform Mac OS X Java 1.6. Sorry I don't see any glaring portability violations. A few probably irrelevant but perhaps useful observations...
It is a bad practice to use Sun's proprietary Java classes? are bound to a specific JRE JDK Sun in your case limiting portability of your programs. Try to avoid uses of such APIs always prefer..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] with ASCII C C . At the time it was the right decision for portability but carries a small performance cost. UTF 8 looks like a better.. tricks to make some operations faster. This provides portability and is a feature of most high level languages now. It is common.. In the end Java was designed to provide security and portability at the expense of some performance and for some really demanding..
Converting long[64] to byte[512] in Java? The reason I'm porting to Java is to take advantage of the portability that Java naturally has. I would not like to use native code...
getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream the absolute path in Java web applications. That's only portability trouble i.e. it runs in system X but not in system Y . The normal..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver real world also considered a poor practice since it breaks portability. It's only useful for Sun Oracle to prevent that starters get..
How to bundle a native library and a JNI library inside a JAR? redistribute it If yes how P.S. Yes I realize it may have portability implications. java jar clojure jni tokyo cabinet share improve..
How do I programmatically compile and instantiate a Java class? rely on current working directory is recipe for portability trouble. Don't do that. Put that file in classpath and use ClassLoader#getResourceAsStream..
When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>? ArrayList String I use the interface as the type name for portability so that when I ask questions such as these I can rework my code...
Having a 3rd party jar included in Maven shaded jar without adding it to local repository but need to work as a team and don't want to sacrifice portability. Please stop using the system scope. share improve this answer..
Taking contact list from hotmail gmail yahoo in java? [closed] a more natural network around it and advancing data portability in general with such a strong competition from Google Facebook..
How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project? j2ee.jar javaee.jar etc. It would only lead to future portability compatibility classpath and maintainability troubles because..
How to bundle a JRE with Launch4j? links on Oracle are for the installer packages. java portability exe jre launch4j share improve this question After some..
Hibernate, iBatis, Java EE or other Java ORM tool exist which is good. Other criteria Now you didn't mention portability as one of your requirements meaning moving between database.. need a script for each supported database. The downside of portability is that JPA is in some ways lowest common denominator meaning..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? of using those methods I can only think adding portability between systems with different screen resolution . I don't think.. of using those methods I can only think adding portability between systems with different screen resolution . Some incomplete..