

java Programming Glossary: popup.add

How to refresh XML in Jtree


constructor I've hard coded it for expedience below popup.add new AbstractAction Reload public void actionPerformed ActionEvent..

Blinking Tray Icon


item.addActionListener menuActionListener popup.add item ActionListener actionListener new ActionListener public..

Make JPopupMenu Display with a Certain Bottom Left Coordinate


JPopupMenu popup public TestPane popup new JPopupMenu popup.add new JMenuItem Edit Playlist popup.addSeparator popup.add new.. new JPopupMenu popup.add new JMenuItem Edit Playlist popup.addSeparator popup.add new JMenuItem Check for Available Downloads..... popup.add new JMenuItem Edit Playlist popup.addSeparator popup.add new JMenuItem Check for Available Downloads... popup.addSeparator..

JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared


d.value 0 d.toString getActionMap .put d.toString select popup.add item public Digit getDigit return digit public void setDigit..

Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows


true public ImageApp this.setComponentPopupMenu popup popup.add Popup Menu popup.add new JMenuItem openAction popup.add new.. this.setComponentPopupMenu popup popup.add Popup Menu popup.add new JMenuItem openAction popup.add new JMenuItem clearAction.. popup.add Popup Menu popup.add new JMenuItem openAction popup.add new JMenuItem clearAction @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize..

JTable with JPopupMenu


JMenuItem myMenuItem2 new JMenuItem bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb popup.add myMenuItem1 popup.add myMenuItem2 MouseListener popupListener.. new JMenuItem bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb popup.add myMenuItem1 popup.add myMenuItem2 MouseListener popupListener new PopupListener popup..

How to hide a JFrame in system tray of taskbar


MenuItem Exit defaultItem.addActionListener exitListener popup.add defaultItem defaultItem new MenuItem Open defaultItem.addActionListener.. e setVisible true setExtendedState JFrame.NORMAL popup.add defaultItem trayIcon new TrayIcon image SystemTray Demo popup..

How do I put a Java app in the system tray?


new MenuItem ... defaultItem.addActionListener listener popup.add defaultItem ... add other items construct a TrayIcon trayIcon..

How to capture trayicon.displayMessage() mouse click on the tooltip baloon


trayIcon Error Title Error TrayIcon.MessageType.ERROR popup.add item item new MenuItem Warning item.addActionListener new.. Warning Title Warning TrayIcon.MessageType.WARNING popup.add item item new MenuItem Info item.addActionListener new ShowMessageListener.. trayIcon Info Title Info TrayIcon.MessageType.INFO popup.add item item new MenuItem None item.addActionListener new ShowMessageListener..