

java Programming Glossary: portrait

'Failed to find style mapViewStyle' error persists


android label @string app_name android screenOrientation portrait intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..

Android - Fix screen orientation for 1 page only (phonegap)


the following into you activity android screenOrientation portrait stops the screen from rotating. However I need to set this so..

Print text File to specific printer in java


page fomat PageFormat pf pjob.defaultPage landscape or portrait pf.setOrientation orientation Paper properties Paper a4Paper..

How do I use GridBayLayout in Java (Swing) to generate this particular image in my frame?


object characterPortraits contain all the portraits and currentScreen is the 'Action Pane' c.fill GridBagConstraints.BOTH.. 3 pane.add currentScreen c Instead this produces each portrait in the bottom third of its quadrant and the Action Pane taking.. mentioned by you in this line Instead this produces each portrait in the bottom third of its quadrant and the Action Pane taking..

How can I generate a tag cloud in Java, with OpenCloud?


new newyork night nikon nyc paris park party people portrait sanfrancisco sky snow spain summer sunset taiwan tokyo travel..

Unable to solve errors in android?


android label @string app_name android screenOrientation portrait intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. android name .SplashActivity android screenOrientation portrait activity android name .RulesActivity android screenOrientation.. android name .RulesActivity android screenOrientation portrait activity android name .EndgameActivity android screenOrientation..

Activity reloads when orientation changes in Android


Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT Toast.makeText this portrait Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show Checks whether a hardware keyboard..

Fragment without a view crashes on configuration change


to be displayed with a view in landscape mode but not in portrait mode. In portrait mode it should still be available but will.. with a view in landscape mode but not in portrait mode. In portrait mode it should still be available but will display its result.. if it wasn't started in the case when we are in portrait . This works fine as long as you start out in landscape if you..

Why using XML to create GUI is a good practice in Android


your code you can have different layouts for landscape and portrait by just having an XML layout in layout land and layout port..

Portrait for phone, landscape for Tablet (Android-Layout)


nosensor When you run your app by default portrait orientation is set for phones and landscape for tablets and..