java Programming Glossary: manifests
Reading my own Jar's Manifest through the returned collection of URLs reading them as manifests until you find yours Enumeration URL resources getClass .getClassLoader..
with java update 7.45 the system properties no more set from jnlp tag “property” jars signed but there are no security attributes in their manifests. xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 jnlp spec 1.0 codebase http..
NoClassDefFoundError while trying to run my jar with java.exe -jar…what's wrong? for information about working with Jar files and Jar file manifests. When you use this option the JAR file is the source of all..
Get battery level and state in Android it can not be received through components declared in manifests only by explicitly registering for it with Context.registerReceiver..
Best practice for controlling access to a “.internal” package server can run in the unprotected world . e.g. the OSGi manifests don't enforce anything to 3rd parties who wish to use .internal..
NullPointerException when trying to run .jar file for information about working with Jar files and Jar file manifests. When you use this option the JAR file is the source of all..
Creating a jar file from a Scala file for information about working with Jar files and Jar file manifests. When you use this option the JAR file is the source of all..
Why doesn't servlet find FileItem in multipart request? you're using a very obscure buggy servlet container which manifests a bug that the request body will implicitly be consumed when..