java Programming Glossary: manages
How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover? manager. getMemoryPoolNames the memory pools that this gc manages. getThreadMXBean returns the ThreadMXBean which provides getCurrentThreadCpuTime..
Do I need <class> elements in persistence.xml? unit name OrderManagement description This unit manages orders and customers. It does not rely on any vendor specific..
Basic Java question: String equality java string equality share improve this question Java manages a String literal pool. It reuses these literals when it can...
Java project structure explained for newbies? project needs without you needing to even tell it to. It manages a little repository for you too. The downside to this highly.. not at all. By forcing its standard down your throat Maven manages to make projects worldwide a bit more similar in structure easier..
How to use Hibernate @Any-related annotations? which manage a media library the first application manages books borrowing the second one DVDs and the third VHSs. The.. in common. Now we want to develop a new application that manages all three media types and reuses the exiting Book DVD and VHS..
How to limit setAccessible to only “legitimate” uses? configuration Or am I at the mercy of whoever manages the configuration I guess one more important question is DO.. configuration ... Or am I at the mercy of whoever manages the configuration You can't and you most certainly are. share..
Use Java and RegEx to convert casing in a string appendTail Note that the above solution uses substring and manages a tail index etc. In fact you can go without these if you use..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC that illustrates similar principles. Note that the Model manages a single Piece chosen at random. In response to a user's selection..
JSF backing bean should be serializable? to read them from harddisk. The servletcontainer manages this all transparently you actually don't need to worry about..
Changing the default XML namespace prefix generated with JAXWS is that my Counterpart a big money transfer company which manages the server my client is connecting to refuses to accept the..
How to internationalize a Java web application? value buttonValue form body html The c set var language manages the current language. If the language was supplied as request..
Concise way of writing new DialogPreference classes? minimum and it assumes that Your custom DialogPreference manages a single preference key value pair. You are responsible for..
Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class? improve this question It's basically due to the way Java manages closures . When you create an instance of an anonymous inner..
How do you find all subclasses of a given class in Java? there is a nice feature called the Type Hierarchy that manages to show this quite efficiently. How does one go about and do..
A better way to run code for a period of time the role of Timer just more reliably. The Timer facility manages the execution of deferred run this task in 100 ms and periodic..
How to know if other threads have finished? Runnable then you have to change some of your code that manages Threads which is pretty straightforward to do. share improve..
What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)? round trippable and have well defined XML infosets. XOM manages your XML so you don't have to. With XOM you can focus on the..