java Programming Glossary: mainwindow
GUI running at 30 fps? new SimGameTest @Override public void run MainWindow mainWindow new MainWindow new Game mainWindow.setLocationRelativeTo null.. void run MainWindow mainWindow new MainWindow new Game mainWindow.setLocationRelativeTo null mainWindow.setVisible true public.. MainWindow new Game mainWindow.setLocationRelativeTo null mainWindow.setVisible true public class MainWindow extends JFrame private..
Java Animate JLabel class GameWindow extends JPanel private static JLabel mainWindow arrowLabel arrowBox protected static JFrame frame protected.. JPanel arrows public static int x 600 public GameWindow mainWindow new JLabel Center arrowLabel new JLabel Moving arrows new JPanel.. 600 600 this.setLayout new BorderLayout this.add mainWindow BorderLayout.CENTER this.add arrows BorderLayout.SOUTH public..
Create a autocompleting textbox in Java with a dropdown list public AutoSuggestor JTextField textField Window mainWindow ArrayList String words Color popUpBackground Color textColor.. this.suggestionsTextColor textColor this.container mainWindow this.suggestionFocusedColor suggestionFocusedColor this.textField.getDocument.. 0 tW 0 tH 0 autoSuggestionPopUpWindow new JWindow mainWindow autoSuggestionPopUpWindow.setOpacity opacity suggestionsPanel..
how would be implements autosugesion in JTextArea swing public AutoSuggestor JTextComponent textComp Window mainWindow ArrayList String words Color popUpBackground Color textColor.. this.suggestionsTextColor textColor this.container mainWindow this.suggestionFocusedColor suggestionFocusedColor this.textComp.getDocument.. 0 tW 0 tH 0 autoSuggestionPopUpWindow new JWindow mainWindow autoSuggestionPopUpWindow.setOpacity opacity suggestionsPanel..
Embed .swf file to my Jframe for the player @param y Y position for the player @param mainWindow Reference to the main window public FlashPlayer int x int y.. the main window public FlashPlayer int x int y GUI.Window mainWindow this x y 600 400 mainWindow Full consturtor @param x X position.. int x int y GUI.Window mainWindow this x y 600 400 mainWindow Full consturtor @param x X position for this player @param..