java Programming Glossary: mainpanel
How to draw an image over another image? static void createAndShowGui IntersectionImagePanel mainPanel new IntersectionImagePanel JFrame frame new JFrame IntersectionImage.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.getContentPane .add mainPanel frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform true frame.setVisible..
JLabel images array r c private static void createAndShowGui GridExample mainPanel new GridExample JFrame frame new JFrame GridExample frame.setDefaultCloseOperation.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.getContentPane .add mainPanel frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform true frame.setVisible..
DocumentListener Java, How do I prevent empty string in JTextBox? false resultField.setFocusable false JPanel mainPanel new JPanel final JTextField fields field1 field2 mainPanel.add.. mainPanel new JPanel final JTextField fields field1 field2 mainPanel.add field1 mainPanel.add new JLabel x mainPanel.add field2 mainPanel.add.. final JTextField fields field1 field2 mainPanel.add field1 mainPanel.add new JLabel x mainPanel.add field2 mainPanel.add new JLabel..
Java Animate JLabel y private static void createAndShowGui AnimateExample mainPanel new AnimateExample JFrame frame new JFrame Animate Example frame.setDefaultCloseOperation.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.getContentPane .add mainPanel frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform true frame.setVisible..
Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners TA_COLS 50 private static final int GAP 2 private JPanel mainPanel new JPanel private JButton openFileButton new JButton private.. saveToFileButton buttonPanel.add exitButton mainPanel.setBorder BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder GAP GAP GAP GAP mainPanel.setLayout.. BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder GAP GAP GAP GAP mainPanel.setLayout new BorderLayout mainPanel.add new JScrollPane textArea..
Minesweeper Action Events serial public class MineSweeper private JPanel mainPanel new JPanel private MineCellGrid mineCellGrid private JButton.. Reset public MineSweeper int rows int cols int mineTotal mainPanel.setLayout new BoxLayout mainPanel BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS mineCellGrid.. int cols int mineTotal mainPanel.setLayout new BoxLayout mainPanel BoxLayout.PAGE_AXIS mineCellGrid new MineCellGrid rows cols..
Sending messages between two JPanel objects northPanel control.setSouthPanel southPanel JPanel mainPanel new JPanel new BorderLayout mainPanel.add northPanel BorderLayout.NORTH.. southPanel JPanel mainPanel new JPanel new BorderLayout mainPanel.add northPanel BorderLayout.NORTH mainPanel.add Box.createRigidArea.. BorderLayout mainPanel.add northPanel BorderLayout.NORTH mainPanel.add Box.createRigidArea new Dimension 100 100 BorderLayout.CENTER..
JTable not showing String panel activePanel panel SetFontSize mainPanel panel mainPanel.revalidate mainPanel.repaint But I don't see.. activePanel panel SetFontSize mainPanel panel mainPanel.revalidate mainPanel.repaint But I don't see the Table . I believe.. mainPanel panel mainPanel.revalidate mainPanel.repaint But I don't see the Table . I believe as the object..
Java KeyListener Not Registering Arrow Keys PREF_H private static void createAndShowGui ArrowTest mainPanel new ArrowTest JFrame frame new JFrame ArrowTest frame.setDefaultCloseOperation.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.getContentPane .add mainPanel frame.pack frame.setLocationByPlatform true frame.setVisible.. PREF_H private static void createAndShowGui ArrowTest mainPanel new ArrowTest JFrame frame new JFrame ArrowTest frame.setDefaultCloseOperation..
How to add JPanel by clicking JButton? Button2 and adding to them ActionListeners. I have also MainPanel which has in a fields variable i. By changing this i my constructor.. variable i. By changing this i my constructor adds to MainPanel either Panel1 default or Panel2 by clicking on JButton2 I change.. by clicking on JButton2 I change i . Than I add this MainPanel to my frame. So my question in the class MainPanel I have refreshMe..
Java MVC - How to divide a done text game into MVC? f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.add new MainPanel f.pack f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible true class.. f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible true class MainPanel extends JPanel public MainPanel super new BorderLayout Model.. f.setVisible true class MainPanel extends JPanel public MainPanel super new BorderLayout Model model new Model View view new View..
GUI not working after rewriting to MVC f.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE f.add new MainPanel f.pack f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible true class.. f.setLocationRelativeTo null f.setVisible true class MainPanel extends JPanel public MainPanel super new BorderLayout Model.. f.setVisible true class MainPanel extends JPanel public MainPanel super new BorderLayout Model model new Model View view new View..