java Programming Glossary: mainclass
Problem building executable jar with maven descriptorRef descriptorRefs archive manifest mainClass com.gorkwobble.logmanager.LogManager mainClass manifest archive.. manifest mainClass com.gorkwobble.logmanager.LogManager mainClass manifest archive configuration executions execution phase.. archive manifest addClasspath true addClasspath mainClass com.gorkwobble.logmanager.LogManager mainClass manifest archive..
Is it possible to create an “uber” jar containing the project classes and the project dependencies as jars with a custom manifest file? assembly plugin artifactId configuration archive manifest mainClass mainClass manifest archive configuration.. archive manifest mainClass mainClass manifest archive configuration plugin And the following command.. uberjar.xml descriptor descriptors archive manifest mainClass mainClass addClasspath true addClasspath..
Building a runnable jar with Maven 2 dependencies descriptorRef descriptorRefs archive manifest mainClass fully.qualified.MainClass mainClass manifest archive configuration.. archive manifest mainClass fully.qualified.MainClass mainClass manifest archive configuration plugin plugins build Then to.. dependencies descriptorRef descriptorRefs archive manifest mainClass fully.qualified.MainClass mainClass manifest archive configuration..
$0 (Program Name) in Java? Discover main class? StackTraceElement main stack stack.length 1 String mainClass main.getClassName Of course this only works if you're running..
How can I create an executable jar with dependencies using Maven? assembly plugin artifactId configuration archive manifest mainClass fully.qualified.MainClass mainClass manifest archive descriptorRefs.. archive manifest mainClass fully.qualified.MainClass mainClass manifest archive descriptorRefs descriptorRef jar with dependencies.. assembly plugin artifactId configuration archive manifest mainClass fully.qualified.MainClass mainClass manifest archive descriptorRefs..
Can't execute jar- file: “no main manifest attribute” true addClasspath classpathPrefix lib classpathPrefix mainClass com.mypackage.MyClass mainClass manifest archive configuration.. lib classpathPrefix mainClass com.mypackage.MyClass mainClass manifest archive configuration plugin plugins build For Ant..
Difference between Static methods and Instance methods example above factorial and main are both methods of the MainClass class. As a result the invocation of factorial in the definition..
How one interface can be used for different background android tasks? String String String which are initialized and executed in MainClass public class MainClass extends Activity implements DelegateTaskCompleted.. are initialized and executed in MainClass public class MainClass extends Activity implements DelegateTaskCompleted int ServiceBoolean.. View v ServiceBoolean 1 new GettingBeaconsList context MainClass.this .execute public OnClickListener LoadingAirportList new..
Add Jar File to Buildpath in Windows Command Line on your classpath e.g. java cp a.jar b.jar c.jar . src MainClass In version 6 you can use wildcards for the jars e.g. java cp.. 6 you can use wildcards for the jars e.g. java cp . src MainClass but it might be cleaner putting your jars into a sub directory.. your jars into a sub directory e.g. java cp . src . jars MainClass So basically your makefile or start script needs to construct..
Why has it failed to load main-class manifest attribute from a JAR file? This does not work jre command is not found jre cp app.jar MainClass This does not work either java jar main.jar Failed to load Main.. a text file which includes a line like this Main Class MainClass Then run jar cfm app.jar manifest.txt .class share improve..
Any way to “reboot” the JVM? and just exit. For example # bin sh while true do java MainClass done If you want the ability to reboot or shutdown entirely.. exit status # bin sh STATUS 0 while STATUS eq 0 do java MainClass STATUS done Within the java program you can use System.exit..
Android encryption import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec public class MainClass public static void main String args throws Exception Security.addProvider..
How to restart thread in java? in one class and do the operation in separate class. class MainClass public static void main String args for int i 0 i 4 i SearchClass..
How to convert to share improve this question Nevermind.... public class MainClass public static void main String args java.util.Date utilDate..
Why do constructors in java not have a return type? [duplicate] public String toString return field public class MainClass public static void main String a try new AnotherClass return..
JButton() only working when mouse hovers import import javax.swing. public class MainClass extends Component private Image bg private ImageIcon newgame.. pane.add bnewgame public static void main String args MainClass o new MainClass FullScreen fs new FullScreen JFrame f1 new.. public static void main String args MainClass o new MainClass FullScreen fs new FullScreen JFrame f1 new JFrame TITLE pane..