

java Programming Glossary: mail

How should I validate an e-mail address on Android?


should I validate an e mail address on Android What's a good technique for validating an.. on Android What's a good technique for validating an e mail address e.g. from a user input field in Android org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator.. field in Android org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator doesn't seem to be available. Are there any other libraries..

How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail?


can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail How do I connect to Gmail and.. can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail How do I connect to Gmail and determine which messages have.. emails with attachments from Gmail How do I connect to Gmail and determine which messages have attachments I then want to..

Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java


no strings attached. If you improve it I ™d love for you to mail me your enhancements but you certainly don ™t have to. share..

Send email using java


email using java I'm trying to send an email using Java import java.util... email using java I'm trying to send an email using Java import java.util. import javax.mail. import javax.mail.internet... to send an email using Java import java.util. import javax.mail. import javax.mail.internet. import javax.activation. public..

How to send an email by Java application using Gmail/ Yahoo/ Hotmail


to send an email by Java application using Gmail Yahoo Hotmail Is it possible.. to send an email by Java application using Gmail Yahoo Hotmail Is it possible to send an email from my Java.. to send an email by Java application using Gmail Yahoo Hotmail Is it possible to send an email from my Java application using..

Why spawning threads in Java EE container is discouraged?


applications need some kind of asynchronous jobs like mail daemons idle sessions cleanup jobs etc.. So if indeed one shouldn't..

Getting mail from GMail into Java application using IMAP


mail from GMail into Java application using IMAP I want to access.. Properties props System.getProperties props.setProperty mail.imap.host imap.gmail.com props.setProperty mail.imap.port 993.. props.setProperty mail.imap.host imap.gmail.com props.setProperty mail.imap.port 993 props.setProperty mail.imap.connectiontimeout..

Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file


activation 1.0.2.jar 355030 11 30 07 09 49 jrst 0.8.1 lib mail 1.3.3.jar 77977 11 30 07 09 49 jrst 0.8.1 lib servlet api 2.3.jar..

Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec


I'd like to be able to run a few command lines and email the results of them to myself. I've found Runtime.exec will.. err in the process. You can then write std out to a file mail or similar. See this article for more info and in particular..

Display BLOB (image) through JSP


id p p Phone br rsSuper.getString Phone p p E Mail br rsSuper.getString Email p td table And here is the fragment..

SwingWorker in Java [closed]


emailDialog.setLayout new BorderLayout JButton sendMailBtn new JButton Send Email sendMailBtn.addActionListener new.. JButton sendMailBtn new JButton Send Email sendMailBtn.addActionListener new ActionListener @Override public void.. new JDialog frame emailProgressDialog.add new JLabel Mail in progress emailProgressDialog.pack emailProgressDialog.setVisible..

Sending mail attachment using Java


improve this question Working code I have used Java Mail 1.4.7 jar import java.util.Properties import javax.activation... import javax.activation. import javax.mail. public class MailProjectClass public static void main String args final String..

Download attachments using Java Mail


attachments using Java Mail Now that I`ve downloaded all the messages and store them to.. File attachments Note no thirdparty libs please just JavaMail. java attachment javamail share improve this question Without..

Alternatives to Java Mail API


to Java Mail API I am trying to send an email with attachments and found.. Spring provides a partial wrapper around the JavaMail API making it a bit easier to swallow. For example the MimeMessageHelper.. InputStream source . The underlying mechanics of JavaMail are very comprehensive and robust it's just the API that's rubbish...

How to attach multiple files to an email using JavaMail?


to attach multiple files to an email using JavaMail The following Java code is used to attach a file to an email... Any suggestions would be appreciated. public class SendMail public SendMail throws MessagingException String host smtp.gmail.com.. would be appreciated. public class SendMail public SendMail throws MessagingException String host smtp.gmail.com String..

How can I download all emails with attachments from Gmail?


attachments default current user raw_input Enter your GMail username pwd getpass.getpass Enter your password # connecting.. imap.gmail.com m.login user pwd m.select Gmail All Mail # here you a can choose a mail box like INBOX instead # use..

how to send an email from jsp/servlet?


Create a plain vanilla Java class which uses JavaMail API to send a mail message. The JavaMail API comes with an excellent.. which uses JavaMail API to send a mail message. The JavaMail API comes with an excellent tutorial and FAQ . Name the class.. comes with an excellent tutorial and FAQ . Name the class Mailer and give it a send method or whatever you want . Test it using..

Taking contact list from hotmail gmail yahoo in java? [closed]


question Each of these email providers has its own API GMail Google Contacts Data API Developer's Guide for Java Yahoo Mail.. Google Contacts Data API Developer's Guide for Java Yahoo Mail Yahoo Address Book API Developer's Guide Hotmail Windows Live.. been using Google Data API to successfully download my GMail contacts and Google Docs Spreadsheets. There seem to be commercial..

Using JavaMail with TLS


JavaMail with TLS I found several other questions on SO regarding the.. I found several other questions on SO regarding the JavaMail API and sending mail through an SMTP server but none of them.. them discussed using TLS security. I'm trying to use JavaMail to send status updates to myself through my work SMTP mail server..

Java: Create a GUI with XML?


targets. Example of the XML declaration antform title Send Mail save properties.txt image doc images testlogo.jpg label To send..

What is the easiest way for a Java application to receive incoming email?


smtpd share improve this question SubEthaSMTP Mail Server allows you to create your own SMTP Server for receiving..

Start Mail-Client with Attachment?


Mail Client with Attachment I'm currently searching for a way in..

JTable how prepareEditor works


JCheckBox in 1.st TableColumn then I can't shows only Rule Mail TableColumn only to shows all Components in the TableRow how.. private Object columns new Object Select Name Rule Mail Include Phone private Object data false Bill false Blabla@bla.. private Object columns new Object Select Name Rule Mail Include Phone private Object data false Bill false Blabla@bla..

send mail to Gmail account


mail from my Java app to Gmail Account.I had used the Java Mail API and it worked fine.But Is it possible to send an e mail.. RCPT To toAddr r n os.writeBytes DATA r n os.writeBytes X Mailer Java r n os.writeBytes DATE DateFormat.getDateInstance DateFormat.FULL.. new FileReader msgFile from to System.out.println Mail sent. else System.out.println Connect to SMTP server failed..