java Programming Glossary: macintosh
How can I get client infomation such as OS and browser Agent The header looks like this User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh U Intel Mac OS X 10.5 en US rv Gecko 2009073021 Firefox..
Setting user agent of a java URLConnection c.setRequestProperty User Agent Mozilla 5.0 Macintosh U Intel Mac OS X 10.4 en US rv Gecko 20100316 Firefox..
File.listFiles() mangles unicode names with JDK 6 (Unicode Normalization issues) Plus converts all file names to decomposed Unicode while Macintosh keyboards generally produce precomposed Unicode. So the File.listFiles..
Operating System Detection by Java or JavaScript for all versions of Windows MacOS for all versions of Macintosh OS Linux for all versions of Linux UNIX for all other UNIX flavors..
Best programming language and framework for cross platform desktop application development? [closed] languages on each one C# on Windows and Objective C on Macintosh for example. There is no easy way around this. If you rightly..
How do you change the Dock Icon of a Java program? How can I change the Dock Icon of a program in Java on the Macintosh platform I have heard about using Apple's Java library that..
Java method works on windows but not Macintosh? method works on windows but not Macintosh I had a real weird method which is used to hide JInternalFrame.. aXInternalFrame.getUI .setNorthPane null But not on Macintosh Any experts have any idea which can explain internal process..