java Programming Glossary: m3
How to write Java-like enums in C++? radius return radius universal gravitational constant m3 kg 1 s 2 public static final double G 6.67300E 11 double surfaceGravity..
Why an abstract class implementing an interface can miss the declaration/implementation of one of the interface's methods? interface public interface IAnything void m1 void m2 void m3 the following abstract class gets merrily compiled without a.. implements IAnything public void m1 public void m3 Can you explain why java interface abstract class share improve..
Why should I override hashCode() when I override equals() method? 5 MyCustomObject m2 new MyCustomObject 3 5 MyCustomObject m3 new MyCustomObject 4 5 System.out.println m1.equals m2 System.out.println.. m1.equals m2 System.out.println m1.equals m3 Here the output is true false exactly the way I want it to..
How do you deal with maven-3 timestamped snapshots efficiently? run update dependencies on machine B in m2eclipse embedded m3 final local repository has snapshot.jar snapshot timestamp.jar.. run update dependencies on machine B in m2eclipse embedded m3 final local repository has snapshot.jar snapshot timestamp.jar..
C# vs Java Enum (for those new to C#) radius return radius universal gravitational constant m3 kg 1 s 2 public static final double G 6.67300E 11 public double.. Radius get return radius universal gravitational constant m3 kg 1 s 2 public const double G 6.67300E 11 public double SurfaceGravity..
Reference is ambiguous with generics m2 V void setValue Parameter V parameter Field V value m3 T void setValue2 Parameter T parameter Field T value s4 setValue..
Type Erasure and Overloading in Java: Why does this work? Byte list f List Byte m2 Long f List Byte list f List Long m3 Byte f List Long list f List Byte m4 Long f List Long list f.. Java Language Spec m1 and m2 cannot coexist nor can m3 and m4. because they have the same parameter types. m1 and m3.. and m4. because they have the same parameter types. m1 and m3 can coexist so can m1 and m4. because they have different parameter..