java Programming Glossary: m.marshal
Is it possible to programmatically configure JAXB? .toLowerCase s Wrapper.class wrapper marshal m.marshal wrapperJAXBElement result StringWriter result new StringWriter..
How to bypass CertificateException by Java? con.setDoInput true OutputStream os con.getOutputStream m.marshal auth os m.marshal auth System.out os.flush con.getResponseCode.. true OutputStream os con.getOutputStream m.marshal auth os m.marshal auth System.out os.flush con.getResponseCode java ssl https..
how can i unmarshall in jaxb and enjoy the schema validation without using an explicit schema file m.setSchema sf.newSchema sources m.marshal docs new DefaultHandler performs the schema validation share..
How to use JAXB annotations at runtime Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT Boolean.TRUE m.marshal bookstore System.out w new FileWriter BOOKSTORE_XML m.marshal.. bookstore System.out w new FileWriter BOOKSTORE_XML m.marshal bookstore w catch Exception e System.out.println error in marshalling..
Configuring CXF with Spring to use MOXY for XML marshalling/unmarshalling m.setProperty eclipselink.json.include root false m.marshal object entityStream catch JAXBException jaxbException throw..