

java Programming Glossary: m.group

Java Regex Replace with Capturing Group


m.appendReplacement s String.valueOf 3 Integer.parseInt m.group 1 System.out.println s.toString You may want to look through..

How do I get the hosts mac address using Java 5?


Simplest way to correctly load html from web page into a string in Java


default and hope for the best. String charset m.matches m.group 1 ISO 8859 1 Reader r new InputStreamReader con.getInputStream..

Time comparison


m p.matcher userString if m.matches String hourString m.group 1 String minuteString m.group 2 int hour Integer.parseInt hourString.. m.matches String hourString m.group 1 String minuteString m.group 2 int hour Integer.parseInt hourString int minute Integer.parseInt..

Extract numbers from a string - Java


d Matcher m p.matcher line while m.find numbers.add m.group java regex share improve this question Pattern p Pattern.compile..

Using Regular Expressions to Extract a Value in Java


Is there a way to split strings with String.split() and include the delimiters?


last_match m.start if this.keep_delimiters splitted.add m.group last_match m.end splitted.add text.substring last_match return..

How does this Java regex detect palindromes?


.matcher s if m.matches System.out.println m.group 2 prints xyzyx As explained xyxyzyx which is NOT a palindrome..

Regular expression with variable number of groups?


abcddcef m.matches ... I would like to have something like m.group 1 c m.group 2 d m.group 3 d m.group 4 c . Background I'm parsing.. ... I would like to have something like m.group 1 c m.group 2 d m.group 3 d m.group 4 c . Background I'm parsing some lines.. would like to have something like m.group 1 c m.group 2 d m.group 3 d m.group 4 c . Background I'm parsing some lines of data..

regex replace all ignore case


sb new StringBuffer while m.find String replacement m.group .replace ' ' '~' m.appendReplacement sb Matcher.quoteReplacement..

Using Java to find substring of a bigger string using Regular Expression


Build and Version Numbering for Java Projects (ant, cvs, hudson)


Info APP_BRANCHTAG_NAME Broken SVN Info else APP_BRANCHTAG m.group 1 if APP_BRANCHTAG.equals trunk this isn't necessary in this.. real case APP_BRANCHTAG_NAME trunk else APP_BRANCHTAG_NAME m.group 2 public static String tagOrBranchName return APP_BRANCHTAG_NAME..

Split string on spaces, except if between quotes (i.e. treat \“hello world\” as one token)


Pattern.compile ^ S . s .matcher str while m.find list.add m.group 1 Add .replace to remove surrounding quotes. System.out.println..

Regular expression to retrieve domain.tld


m p.matcher uri.getHost if m.matches System.out.println m.group 1 Prints foo.com foo.com foo.com share improve this answer..