java Programming Glossary: machine's
How many hardware details can a Java Applet Discover? by the Runtime.availableProcessors method. Java virtual machine's memory information such as freeMemory maxMemory and totalMemory..
What is a java ClassLoader? If you don't explicitly specify a parent the virtual machine's system class loader will be assigned as the default parent...
What method in Java is used to destroy your objects [closed] are no longer accessible may be reclaimed by the virtual machine's garbage collector . As other have noted this is automatic. In..
Java: Get current Date and Time from Server not System clock This gives me the current date and time as per the host machine's system clock. Is there any way I can get the current date and.. to get a date and time that is not dependant on the host machine's system clock. Thanks java datetime share improve this question..
How is the default java heap size determined? Oracle initial heap size Larger of 1 64th of the machine's physical memory on the machine or some reasonable minimum. Before..
Get GMT Time in Java didn't take that GMT time and format it according to your machine's current locale. final Date currentTime new Date final SimpleDateFormat..
Convert Date/Time for given Timezone - java this calendar.setTime new Date 1317816735000L the local machine's TimeZone is used. Why is that I know that when new Date returns..