java Programming Glossary: landscape
Android getOrientation() method returns bad results note that this code does not compensate for tablet default landscape orientation so it is only expected to work correctly on a phone..
Rotate a saved bitmap in android android I am saving an image from the camera that was in landscape mode. so it gets saved in landscape mode and then i apply an.. the camera that was in landscape mode. so it gets saved in landscape mode and then i apply an overlay onto it that too is in landscape.. mode and then i apply an overlay onto it that too is in landscape mode. I want to rotate that image and then save. e.g. if i have..
bitmap size exceeds Vm budget error android size exceeds Vm budget error android When I change to landscape mode few objects are created with bitmap of full screen when..
Print text File to specific printer in java ticket.getName page fomat PageFormat pf pjob.defaultPage landscape or portrait pf.setOrientation orientation Paper properties Paper..
Google Maps API v2 shows blank map android label @string app_name android screenOrientation landscape intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. name .FullImageViewActivity android screenOrientation landscape activity activity android name .MapViewActivity android screenOrientation.. android name .MapViewActivity android screenOrientation landscape activity meta data android name
Android: Can't figure how to use setImeActionLabel right on full screen IME mode i.e. when your phone is in landscape . If you want to change the button to the bottom right of the..
Activity reloads when orientation changes in Android Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE Toast.makeText this landscape Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show else if newConfig.orientation Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT..
File Streaming in Java using JOGL Java OpenGL binding . In brief I have a huge landscape binary file. Due to its size I have to stream terrain chunks..
Fragment without a view crashes on configuration change UI where I need a Fragment to be displayed with a view in landscape mode but not in portrait mode. In portrait mode it should still.. I could handle this by using the fragment tag for the landscape layout while creating the fragment programmatically if it wasn't.. in portrait . This works fine as long as you start out in landscape if you start in portrait where the fragment is created programmatically..
Why using XML to create GUI is a good practice in Android changing your code you can have different layouts for landscape and portrait by just having an XML layout in layout land and..
Android 3.1 USB-Host - BroadcastReceiver does not receive USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED android screenOrientation landscape android configChanges orientation keyboardHidden android launchMode..
Portrait for phone, landscape for Tablet (Android-Layout) for phone landscape for Tablet Android Layout So I'm making an application for.. land for the tablet. Nothing else essentially ONLY using landscape for xlarge devices. Thanks java android android layout orientation.. app by default portrait orientation is set for phones and landscape for tablets and hence it'll select the xml file from layout..