java Programming Glossary: lastindex
Split a string, at every nth position interval String result new String arrayLength int j 0 int lastIndex result.length 1 for int i 0 i lastIndex i result i s.substring.. int j 0 int lastIndex result.length 1 for int i 0 i lastIndex i result i s.substring j j interval j interval Add the last.. j j interval j interval Add the last bit result lastIndex s.substring j return result Example Input String st 1231241251341351452342352456..
uploading of pdf file 0 saveFile.indexOf n saveFile saveFile.substring saveFile.lastIndexOf 1 saveFile.indexOf int lastIndex contentType.lastIndexOf.. saveFile.lastIndexOf 1 saveFile.indexOf int lastIndex contentType.lastIndexOf String boundary contentType.substring.. 1 saveFile.indexOf int lastIndex contentType.lastIndexOf String boundary contentType.substring lastIndex 1 contentType.length..
Occurrences of substring in a string str helloslkhellodjladfjhello String findStr hello int lastIndex 0 int count 0 while lastIndex 1 lastIndex str.indexOf findStr.. String findStr hello int lastIndex 0 int count 0 while lastIndex 1 lastIndex str.indexOf findStr lastIndex if lastIndex 1 count.. hello int lastIndex 0 int count 0 while lastIndex 1 lastIndex str.indexOf findStr lastIndex if lastIndex 1 count lastIndex..