

java Programming Glossary: label.getfont

How can I generate a tag cloud in Java, with OpenCloud?


JLabel tag.getName label.setOpaque false label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont float tag.getWeight 10 panel.add label frame.add..

Place JLabel on top of JLabel with image in


add pane JLabel label new JLabel I'm on fire label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont Font.BOLD 48 label.setForeground Color.WHITE label.setHorizontalAlignment.. JLabel label new JLabel I'm on fire label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont Font.BOLD 48 label.setForeground Color.WHITE label.setHorizontalAlignment..

non resizable window border and positioning


f.pack int w SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth label.getFontMetrics label.getFont s int h f.getHeight f.setSize w h f.setResizable.. w SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth label.getFontMetrics label.getFont s int h f.getHeight f.setSize w h f.setResizable false f.setLocationRelativeTo..

BoxLayout ignores setYAlighment


new JLabel Existing CHATBYTES login panel. label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont Font.ITALIC 24f label.setAlignmentX 0.5f label.setBorder..

Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component


final JLabel label new JLabel Hola label.setFont new Font label.getFont .getFamily Font.PLAIN 46 label.setForeground Color.white frame.add..

How to change the size of the font of a JLabel to take the maximum size


as possible without overflowing the label Font labelFont label.getFont String labelText label.getText int stringWidth label.getFontMetrics.. String labelText label.getText int stringWidth label.getFontMetrics labelFont .stringWidth labelText int componentWidth label.getWidth..

What is the Swing-equivalent to HTML <optgroup>


else JLabel label new JLabel value.toString Font f label.getFont label.setFont f.deriveFont f.getStyle Font.BOLD Font.ITALIC..

Java JLabel/JButton: on some systems I get “…” (an ellipsis) and on some systems I don't. how can I force to disable the ellipsis at all?


text label.setFont new Font fontName 0 12 int width label.getFontMetrics label.getFont .stringWidth text int height 21 this should.. new Font fontName 0 12 int width label.getFontMetrics label.getFont .stringWidth text int height 21 this should always be enough..

How to prevent JComboBox from becoming unresponsive when using a custom ListCellRenderer


boolean isSelected boolean cellHasFocus Font tempFont label.getFont setFont new Font String value tempFont.getStyle tempFont.getSize..

Minesweeper Action Events


new MyPCListener label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont Font.BOLD LABEL_FONT_SIZE button.setFont button.getFont..

clickable links in JOptionPane


for copying style JLabel label new JLabel Font font label.getFont create some css from the label's font StringBuffer style new..