java Programming Glossary: label.setfont
what are the $1 in class file? new JLabel getParameter greeting SwingConstants.CENTER label.setFont new Font Serif Font.BOLD 18 add label BorderLayout.CENTER JPanel..
Make splash screen with progress bar like Eclipse container.add panel JLabel label new JLabel Hello World label.setFont new Font Verdana Font.BOLD 14 label.setBounds 85 25 280 30 panel.add.. container.add panel JLabel label new JLabel Hello World label.setFont new Font Verdana Font.BOLD 14 label.setBounds 85 25 280 30 panel.add..
How can I generate a tag cloud in Java, with OpenCloud? JLabel label new JLabel tag.getName label.setOpaque false label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont float tag.getWeight 10 panel.add..
Place JLabel on top of JLabel with image in BorderLayout add pane JLabel label new JLabel I'm on fire label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont Font.BOLD 48 label.setForeground Color.WHITE.. add background JLabel label new JLabel I'm on fire label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont Font.BOLD 48 label.setForeground Color.WHITE..
Location of String keys in L&F SwingUtils.getDescendantsOfType JLabel.class chooser label.setFont new Font Dialog Font.ITALIC 18 label.setForeground Color.RED..
JavaFx tableview sort is really slow how to improve sort speed as in java swing 550 final Label label new Label Address Book label.setFont new Font Arial 20 final TableView Person table new TableView..
BoxLayout ignores setYAlighment float...verticleAlignment JLabel label new JLabel text label.setFont new Font font bold Font.BOLD Font.PLAIN fontSize label.setAlignmentX.. JLabel label new JLabel Existing CHATBYTES login panel. label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont Font.ITALIC 24f label.setAlignmentX..
GroupLayout autogenerated code in NetBeans main String args JLabel label new JLabel This is a test label.setFont new Font Segoe UI Semibold Font.BOLD Font.ITALIC 24 JSeparator..
Re-paint problem on translucent frame/panel/component 0.0f 0.0f 0.0f 0.3f final JLabel label new JLabel Hola label.setFont new Font label.getFont .getFamily Font.PLAIN 46 label.setForeground..
How to change the size of the font of a JLabel to take the maximum size Set the label's font size to the newly determined size. label.setFont new Font labelFont.getName Font.PLAIN fontSizeToUse Basically..
Setting unicode characters in java frames u30c8 u30a8 u30c7 u30a3 u30bf JLabel label new JLabel label.setFont new Font MS Mincho Font.PLAIN 12 label.setText string frame.getContentPane..
Marquee effect in Java Swing for int i 0 i n i sb.append ' ' this.s sb s sb this.n n label.setFont new Font Serif Font.ITALIC 36 label.setText sb.toString this.add..
What is the Swing-equivalent to HTML <optgroup> label new JLabel value.toString Font f label.getFont label.setFont f.deriveFont f.getStyle Font.BOLD Font.ITALIC return label..
Java JLabel/JButton: on some systems I get “…” (an ellipsis) and on some systems I don't. how can I force to disable the ellipsis at all? text because I basically do this label.setText text label.setFont new Font fontName 0 12 int width label.getFontMetrics label.getFont..
Getting fonts, sizes, bold,…etc cellHasFocus Font font new Font String value Font.PLAIN 20 label.setFont font return label JavaDoc The JDoc for GraphicsEnvironment.getAvailableFontFamilyNames..
Minesweeper Action Events row col model.addPropertyChangeListener new MyPCListener label.setFont label.getFont .deriveFont Font.BOLD LABEL_FONT_SIZE button.setFont..
Why JComboBox ignore PrototypeDisplayValue .toString tfield.setFont font button.setFont font label.setFont font panel.revalidate panel.repaint pack panel.setLayout..