java Programming Glossary: laf
Can we ape the GTK+ 2.0 button style in Java Swing? The difference is actually a bad text hinting in Java GTK LAF while GTK button text is styled with a discrete shadow. java..
Bug or feature: Swing default gui font incorrect for Win6+ Options for solving the last With full control about the LAF one might consider to set all relevant text fonts that's what.. to clarify the hack is fully effective only for WindowsLAF. Nimbus ignores system settings completely Metal partly the..
How do you remove the Ctrl+C action on a JFileChooser? UIManager Defaults . This list the defaults for the given LAF. I don't know if this is the right thing to do. As far as I..
setOpaque(true/false); Java against Nimbus see stack overflow question Java Nimbus LAF with transparent text fields . The response of the Nimbus development.. issue is setOpaque false has had a side effect in existing LAFs which is that of hiding the background which is not really..
Which Java GUI framework to choose now? [closed] rendered UI controls. If your application needs a branded LAF or even just a few complex custom controls here and there Swing.. to you or if your users demand the ultimate in platform LAF fidelity SWT is the best choice. share improve this answer..
How can I convert an Icon to an Image which might help if you want to wrap those misbehaving LAF provided icons more often Some ui icons misbehave in that they..
Java Nimbus LAF with transparent text fields Nimbus LAF with transparent text fields I have an application that uses.. field's normal background. When running the new Nimbus LAF these fields are opaque despite setting setOpaque false and.. setOpaque false and my UI is broken. It's as if the LAF is ignoring the opaque property. Setting a background color..
How can I put a control in the JTableHeader of a JTable?
JTable with JPopupMenu getPopupLocation is called by AWTEventHelper deep in the LAF after getComponentPopup . So there's no leeway for a hack like..
Nimbus L&F - Change Background color of Progress Bar void main String args try for UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo laf UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels if Nimbus .equals laf.getName.. laf UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels if Nimbus .equals laf.getName UIManager.setLookAndFeel laf.getClassName UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults.. if Nimbus .equals laf.getName UIManager.setLookAndFeel laf.getClassName UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults .put nimbusOrange..
Customizing Tree.collapsedIcon for a single JTree import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel @see http a 14262706.. LookAndFeel save UIManager.getLookAndFeel LookAndFeel laf new MetalLookAndFeel UIManager.setLookAndFeel laf icons.collapsed.. laf new MetalLookAndFeel UIManager.setLookAndFeel laf icons.collapsed Icon UIManager.get COLLAPSED_ICON icons.expanded..
Force look and feel on NetBeans 6.5 improve this question In your netbeans.conf file add laf to your netbeans_default_options value. Check out the Netbeans..
Java Look and Feel (L&F) Related topics Java gui look and feel changes Open source laf look n feel for java swing application share improve this answer..
Painting the slider icon of JSlider import java.awt. import javax.swing. import javax.swing.plaf.synth. public class SynthSliderTest private JFrame f new JFrame.. f new JFrame public SynthSliderTest try SynthLookAndFeel laf new SynthLookAndFeel laf.load SynthSliderTest.class.getResourceAsStream.. try SynthLookAndFeel laf new SynthLookAndFeel laf.load SynthSliderTest.class.getResourceAsStream yourPathTo demo.xml..
Change Font at runtime import javax.swing. import javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer.. import javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer public class SystemFontDisplayer.. void main String arg try for UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo laf UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels if Nimbus .equals laf.getName..