

java Programming Glossary: l.setbackground

Change background color of one cell in JTable [duplicate]


tableModel TableModelLotti table.getModel if isSelected l.setBackground Color.GREEN Return the JLabel which renders the cell. return..

'Fill' Unicode characters in labels


255 int b rnd.nextInt 255 l.setForeground new Color r g b l.setBackground new Color 255 r 255 g 255 b l.setOpaque true c.add l public.. JLabel.CENTER Color bg blackSquare Color.BLACK Color.WHITE l.setBackground bg l.setOpaque true c.add l public static void main String args.. getImageForChessPiece piece side gradient JLabel.CENTER l.setBackground bg l.setOpaque true c.add l public static void addPiecesToContainer..

Placing component on Glass Pane


new LineBorder Color.BLACK 1 l.setBounds 10 10 50 20 l.setBackground Color.RED l.setOpaque true l.setPreferredSize l.getSize mf.add..

Java JTable change cell color


if tableModel.getStatus row CustomTableModel.APPROVED l.setBackground Color.GREEN else l.setBackground Color.RED Return the JLabel.. CustomTableModel.APPROVED l.setBackground Color.GREEN else l.setBackground Color.RED Return the JLabel which renders the cell. return l..

Internal padding for JTextArea with background Image


Color.MAGENTA.darker 2 4 0 l.setOpaque true l.setBackground Color.BLACK JOptionPane.showMessageDialog null l share..