java Programming Glossary: lastname
JSP tricks to make templating easier? p First Name user.firstName br Last Name user.lastName br Phone br p t userpage But it turns you like to.. First Name user.firstName br Last Name user.lastName br Phone br Now the previous example becomes @page.. title ID t col name firstName title First Name t col name lastName title Last Name t col s link href Customer.action event preEdit..
Java - Storing SQL statements in an external file as contactId FIRSTNAME as firstName LASTNAME as lastName from ADMINISTRATOR.CONTACT where CONTACTID #id# select sqlMap.. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME VALUES #contactId# #firstName# #lastName# insert update id updateContact parameterClass contact update.. ADMINISTRATOR.CONTACT SET FIRSTNAME #firstName# LASTNAME #lastName# where contactid #contactId# update delete id deleteContact..
Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all? private String username private String name private String lastName private String email public int getId return externalId public.. this.username username public String getLastName return lastName public void setLastName final String lastName this.lastName.. return lastName public void setLastName final String lastName this.lastName lastName @Override public String toString return..
Generate Java class from JSON? source files from JSON. For example we have firstName John lastName Smith address streetAddress 21 2nd Street city New York We pass.. String getLastName return mInternalJSONObject.getString lastName Address getAddress return Address mInternalJSONObject.getString..
document not saving in spring jpa document manager application document.getPatient is Patient@564434f7 id 1 new false lastName 'Frank' firstName 'George' middleinitial 'B' sex 'Male' dateofbirth..
Hibernate: Automatically creating/updating the db tables based on entity classes GenerationType.AUTO Long id String firstName String lastName and my persistence.xml xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 persistence.. .begin manager.persist new ServerNode firstName Test lastName Server manager.getTransaction .commit the database 'Icarus'..
Calling stored procedure from Java / JPA @employeeId int @companyId int as begin select firstName lastName gender address from employee et where et.employeeId @employeeId..
Best way to compare objects by multiple fields? class Person private String firstName private String lastName private String age Constructors Methods So in this example when..
java class implements comparable implements Comparable Author String firstName String lastName @Override public int compareTo Author other int last this.lastName.compareTo.. @Override public int compareTo Author other int last this.lastName.compareTo other.lastName return last 0 this.firstName.compareTo.. Author other int last this.lastName.compareTo other.lastName return last 0 this.firstName.compareTo other.firstName last..
Hibernate Validation of Collections of Primitives class Employee private String firstName private String lastName private List String emailAddresses @NotNull public String getFirstName.. this.firstName firstName public String getLastName return lastName public void setLastName String lastName this.lastName lastName.. getLastName return lastName public void setLastName String lastName this.lastName lastName @ValidCollection elementType String.class..
Facebook Connect example in JSP (tomcat) id String firstName resp.getString first_name String lastName resp.getString last_name String email resp.getString email firstName comm.setLast StringAndDateUtils.safeChar lastName if success login if userService.getUserByEmail email null if..
Mapping ManyToMany with composite Primary key and Annotation: studentTClass public void setLastName String lastName this.lastName lastName @Id @GeneratedValue generator system.. studentTClass public void setLastName String lastName this.lastName lastName @Id @GeneratedValue generator system uuid @GenericGenerator.. public void setLastName String lastName this.lastName lastName @Id @GeneratedValue generator system uuid @GenericGenerator..
How to modify XML data in Dom parser Example sample.xml file staff firstname Swetha firstname lastname EUnis lastname nickname Swetha nickname salary 10000 salary.. file staff firstname Swetha firstname lastname EUnis lastname nickname Swetha nickname salary 10000 salary staff staff firstname.. salary 10000 salary staff staff firstname John firstname lastname MAdiv lastname nickname Jo nickname salary 200000 salary staff..
Create XML file using java doc.createTextNode yong staff.appendChild firstname lastname elements Element lastname doc.createElement lastname lastname.appendChild.. yong staff.appendChild firstname lastname elements Element lastname doc.createElement lastname lastname.appendChild doc.createTextNode.. lastname elements Element lastname doc.createElement lastname lastname.appendChild doc.createTextNode mook kim staff.appendChild..
Why do I need to nest a component with rendered=“#{some}” in another component when I want to ajax-update it? h panelGroup class search_form layout block h inputText id lastname value # search.lastname h commandButton action # search.find.. layout block h inputText id lastname value # search.lastname h commandButton action # search.find value Find f ajax execute.. action # search.find value Find f ajax execute lastname render resultDisplay h commandButton h panelGroup h dataTable..
Java & XML - string with paremters to XML result in following xml person firstname Joe firstname lastname Walnes lastname phone code 123 code number 1234 456 number phone.. xml person firstname Joe firstname lastname Walnes lastname phone code 123 code number 1234 456 number phone fax code 123..
Spring 3 MVC: one-to-many within a dynamic form (add/remove on create/update) private Integer id private String firstname private String lastname private String company private List Employee employees one to.. boolean flag private String firstname private String lastname private Employer employer many to one getters setters Controller.. .firstname ' html ' input type text id employees' index '.lastname name employees ' index ' .lastname ' html ' input type hidden..
Android - Update a contact int id 1 String firstname Contact's first name String lastname Last name String number 000 000 000 String photo_uri android.resource.. lastname builder.withValue ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.StructuredName.GIVEN_NAME..
Reading mails sent from GMail also return the name i.e it comes in this format FirstName LastName gt MultiPart contains 2 BodyParts BodyPart..
A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation PHP @package @subpackage Filter @author FirstName LastName mail @copyright 2009 FirstName LastName @link @license http.. @author FirstName LastName mail @copyright 2009 FirstName LastName @link @license http license 3_0.txt PHP License..
Writing to an already existing file using FileWriter Java FileWriter writer new FileWriter myfile.csv writer.append LastName writer.append ' ' writer.append FirstName writer.append ' n'.. ' writer.append FirstName writer.append ' n' writer.append LastNameTextField.getText writer.append ' ' writer.append FirstNameTextField.getText..
Mapping same class relation class User public User Long Id String FirstName String LastName .... FbUser fbuser all requred getters and setters... Facebook.. FbUser public FbUser Long fbId String FirstName String LastName List FbUser friends all requred getters and setters... Till.. column name FirstName property property name LastName update true insert true not null false unique false type java.lang.String..
Mapping same class relation - continuation class DlUser public DlUser Long Id String FirstName String LastName .... DlFaceBook fbuser all requred getters and setters... The.. name FirstName property property name lastName column name LastName property many to one name FaceBook class DlFaceBook cascade.. fbId dlpId values Hibernate insert into Users FirstName LastName email twitter birthday dlpId id values Hibernate update MyFriends..
Android - Sqlite database method undefined fot type CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MY_DATABASE_TABLE LastName VARCHAR FirstName VARCHAR Country VARCHAR Age INT 3 Button..
How to center a string using String.format? 10s 2 10s 3 20s n System.out.format format FirstName Init. LastName System.out.format format Real Gagnon System.out.format format.. String.format format Object ex output FirstName Init. LastName Real Gagnon John D Doe John F. Kennedy I want the output.. 10 Init. 10 LastName 20 is FirstName Init. LastName n class StringUtils public static..