

java Programming Glossary: jint

what is wrong with this call to the java method?


method where you cache the JavaVM pointer JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad JavaVM jvm void reserved JNIEnv env 0 if.. the following ... WPARAM param kbhook vkCode JNIEnv env jint rs javaVM AttachCurrentThread javaVM void env NULL if rs JNI_OK..

How to return an array from JNI to Java?


your code is going to look something like this JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_ArrayTest_initIntArray JNIEnv env jclass cls.. Java_ArrayTest_initIntArray JNIEnv env jclass cls int size jintArray result result env NewIntArray env size if result NULL return.. a temp structure to use to populate the java int array jint fill 256 for i 0 i size i fill i 0 put whatever logic you want..

Best way to throw exceptions in JNI code?


of exceptions we want to throw. Here are some examples jint throwNoClassDefError JNIEnv env char message jclass exClass.. env className return env ThrowNew env exClass message jint throwNoSuchMethodError JNIEnv env char className char methodName.. char exClassName java lang NoSuchMethodError LPTSTR msgBuf jint retCode size_t nMallocSize exClass env FindClass env exClassName..

Passing a byte[] in Java to a function in C through JNI: how to use jarraybyte


JNIEnv env jobject obj jbyteArray array jint offset jint length char byte1 char byte2 int i for i offset.. JNIEnv env jobject obj jbyteArray array jint offset jint length char byte1 char byte2 int i for i offset i length i 2..

How to pass C structs back and forth to Java code in JNI?


JNIEnv env jobject this jintArray data jint numObjects jobject arguments int actualData.. JNIEnv env jobject this jintArray data jint numObjects jobject arguments int actualData env GetIntArrayElements..

Calling a java method from c++ in Android


JNIEnv env jobject obj jint depth JavaVM vm JNIEnv env JavaVMInitArgs vm_args vm_args.version.. 0 vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized 1 Construct a VM jint res JNI_CreateJavaVM vm void env vm_args Construct a String..

Passing a pointer from JNI to Java using a long


the strcuture created earlier. I do like this JNIEEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_methode1 JNIEnv jenv jclass.. for the hints here are the working functions JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_methode1 JNIEnv jenv jclass..

Does jmap force garbage collection when the live option is used?


command Input arguments arg0 live or all static jint heap_inspection AttachOperation op outputStream out bool live_objects_only..

JNI error while calling a C subroutine


#include jni.h #include Sample_Sample1.h JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_Sample_Sample1_test JNIEnv env jobject obj return.. Class Sample_Sample1 Method test Signature I JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_Sample_Sample1_test JNIEnv jobject #ifdef __cplusplus..

Why do constructors in java not have a return type? [duplicate]


void method jstring MyNewString JNIEnv env jchar chars jint len jclass stringClass jmethodID cid jcharArray elemArr jstring..

How to access the Java method in a C++ application


0 vm_args.ignoreUnrecognized 1 Construct a VM jint res JNI_CreateJavaVM vm void env vm_args Construct a String..