java Programming Glossary: je
Why volatile in java 5+ doesn't synchronize cached copies of variables with main memory? test eax 0x180100 poll 0x021dd759 cmp 0x0 ecx 0x021dd75c je 0x021dd748 ifeq Test 1 run@7 line 13 0x021dd75e cmp 0x0 edx.. test eax 0x180100 poll 0x0226d769 cmp 0x0 edx 0x0226d76c je 0x0226d758 ifeq Test 1 run@7 line 13 0x0226d76e mov 0x341b77f8..
XSD for having 2 root elements (1 at a time) it will create an @XmlElementDecl annotation on the ObjectFactory class. BooksList A class with an @XmlRootElement was.. public void setAuthor String value value ObjectFactory Global elements that correspond to named complex types.. types have @XmlElementDecl annotations generated on the ObjectFactory class. This is necessary since multiple global elements..
Why does Java switch on ordinal ints appear to run faster with added cases? 5 cases the decompiled code looks like this notice the cmp je jg jmp instructions the assembly for if goto Verified Entry.. line 56 0x00000000024f016c cmp edx 0x3 0x00000000024f016f je 0x00000000024f01c3 0x00000000024f0171 cmp edx 0x3 0x00000000024f0174.. 0x00000000024f0176 cmp edx 0x1 0x00000000024f0179 je 0x00000000024f019b 0x00000000024f017b cmp edx 0x1 0x00000000024f017e..
Quickest way to convert XML to JSON in Java to JSON test public static void main String args try JSONObject xmlJSONObj XML.toJSONObject TEST_XML_STRING String jsonPrettyPrintString.. main String args try JSONObject xmlJSONObj XML.toJSONObject TEST_XML_STRING String jsonPrettyPrintString xmlJSONObj.toString.. jsonPrettyPrintString catch JSONException je System.out.println je.toString Looks like it does the job...
Is volatile expensive? jne 0xb396ceaf 0xb396cead cmp ebx edi 0xb396ceaf je 0xb396cece getstatic l Test2 run@14 line 37 0xb396ceb1 mov.. jne 0xb396cec1 0xb396cebf cmp ebx edi 0xb396cec1 je 0xb396ceeb return Test2 run@28 line 40 0xb396cec3 add 0x8.. jne 0xb3ab9378 0xb3ab9376 cmp ebx edx 0xb3ab9378 je 0xb3ab93ac 0xb3ab937a mov 0xfffffffe ecx 0xb3ab937f mov 0xffffffff..
Generic method in Java without generic argument T um.unmarshal new StringReader xml catch JAXBException je throw new RuntimeException Error interpreting XML response je.. throw new RuntimeException Error interpreting XML response je Also the call doesn't work... fromXml SomeSubObject xml java.. response je Also the call doesn't work... fromXml SomeSubObject xml java generics share improve this question public..