

java Programming Glossary: jep

Display a webpage inside a swing application


improve this question Use a JEditorPane JEditorPane jep new JEditorPane jep.setEditable false try jep.setPage http www.yoursite.com.. Use a JEditorPane JEditorPane jep new JEditorPane jep.setEditable false try jep.setPage http www.yoursite.com catch.. JEditorPane jep new JEditorPane jep.setEditable false try jep.setPage http www.yoursite.com catch IOException e jep.setContentType..

Highlighting few of the words of a text file opened in a frame


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE JEditorPane jep new JEditorPane jep.setText Hello to the public frame.add.. JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE JEditorPane jep new JEditorPane jep.setText Hello to the public frame.add jep frame.pack frame.setVisible.. JEditorPane jep.setText Hello to the public frame.add jep frame.pack frame.setVisible true highlight jep public 'public..

Clickable HTML link in JEditorPane But using replaceSelcetion methode


useful but my code use a Repetition Statement JEditorPane jep new JEditorPane jep.setContentType text html jep.setEditable.. use a Repetition Statement JEditorPane jep new JEditorPane jep.setContentType text html jep.setEditable true Because .replaceSelection.. jep new JEditorPane jep.setContentType text html jep.setEditable true Because .replaceSelection can't work with disabled..