

java Programming Glossary: jenv

Pass an array to a wrapped function as pointer+size or range


signed char arr size_t sz 1 JCALL2 GetByteArrayElements jenv input NULL 2 JCALL1 GetArrayLength jenv input The job of the.. jenv input NULL 2 JCALL1 GetArrayLength jenv input The job of the in typemap is to convert from what we're.. changes if it was a copy JCALL3 ReleaseByteArrayElements jenv input 1 JNI_ABORT This calls ReleaseByteArrayElements to tell..

Passing a pointer from JNI to Java using a long


jlong JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_getStruct JNIEnv jenv jclass jcls struct myStruct_s mystruct long lp long myStruct.. jint JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_methode1 JNIEnv jenv jclass jcls jlong jarg struct myStruct_s arg struct myStruct_s.. jint JNICALL Java_example_ExampleJNI_methode1 JNIEnv jenv jclass jcls jlong jarg struct myStruct_s arg arg struct myStruct_s..