

java Programming Glossary: jframes

non resizable window border and positioning


window border and positioning If i create non resizable JFrames and windows Aero is enabled setLocation does not seem to take..

JProgressBar won't update


application take a little look I'm not much familiar with JFrames and ActionEvents Download.java package main public class Download..

Java: Difference between the setPreferredSize() and setSize() methods in components


main difference between the two Which one should I use for JFrames and JPanels Thanks java swing jframe jpanel share improve.. typically have an effect would be on top level components JFrames and JWindows and things that are inside of scrolled panes ...

I need to launch a JFrame from another JFrame and have that run like independent applications, help?


I call it from the other JFrame's ActionPerformed both JFrames freeze. I know there are complications in using Swing to accomplish..

give focus to a panel that is not a child of the focused Window?


this question is so hard to manage Focus between two JFrames better would be create only one JFrame and other Top level Containers.. or inWindow depends if Swing or Awt but between two JFrames is things little bit complicated just basic and uncompleted..

Passing values between JFrames


values between JFrames I have two Jframes where frame1 has some text fields and when..

EDT location with several JFrame window


the EDT nor does the EDT own the components. To create two JFrames both on the EDT you can do the following public static void..

The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice?


Use of Multiple JFrames Good Bad Practice I'm developing an application which displays.. just wondering whether it is good practice to use multiple JFrames java swing gui jframe share improve this question I'm just.. just wondering whether it is good practice to use multiple JFrames Bad bad bad practice. User unfriendly The user sees multiple..