

java Programming Glossary: jinternalframe

using JInternalFrame and some JButton


JInternalFrame and some JButton can we use a JInternalFame with a button into..

CubicCurve2D connecting two JInternalFrame instances


connecting two JInternalFrame instances I have been trying to find a way in Swing to connect.. I have been trying to find a way in Swing to connect two JInternalFrame s with a CubicCurve2D otherwise known as a cubic bezier curve.. import javax.swing.JFrame import javax.swing.JInternalFrame @see http stackoverflow.com questions 3951383 public class JDPTest..

Rotate an image in java


image in java I am looking to rotate an image. I have a JInternalFrame which contains a JLabel . The label contains the image. After..

How do I set hard limit on a JComponent when setMaximumSize() and setPrefferedSize() don't work?


JFrame window with a JDesktopPane. When I click a button a JInternalFrame is made with the following components in it imageLabel new JLabel.. JLabel or the JScrollPane to stretch to the size of the JInternalFrame if the JLabel is smaller than the JInternalFrame. I've tried.. of the JInternalFrame if the JLabel is smaller than the JInternalFrame. I've tried padding the space around the JLabel with empty JLabels...

Drawing rectangle on a JPanel


JTextField text1 static JRadioButton circle square static JInternalFrame iframe errmessage static JComboBox colors static JEditorPane..

The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice?


Flipping between no component and visible component. JInternalFrame JDesktopPane typically used for an MDI . JTabbedPane for groups..

using JInternalFrame and some JButton


open up the JInternalFame how thks java swing jbutton jinternalframe share improve this question I don't know a way to put a..

CubicCurve2D connecting two JInternalFrame instances


would like to use an offscreen buffer. java swing bezier jinternalframe jdesktoppane share improve this question Yes. Here's an..

setOpaque() in java


for Component x container.getComponents see if its a jinternalframe if x.getClass .getName .equals this.getClass .getName cast..

programmatically minimize a JInternalFrame?


minimize a JInternalFrame java swing minimize jinternalframe share improve this question setIcon Iconifies or de iconifies..

Java method works on windows but not Macintosh?


to hide titlebar of JInternalFrame Thanks java swing jinternalframe share improve this question On Mac OS X an instance of com.apple.laf.AquaInternalFrameUI..

Minimizing Jinternal Frame without clicking the button


minimize maximize button at the top right corner of the jinternalframe I followed this thread programmatically minimize a JInternalFrame.. false But i didn't work. Thanks. java swing jinternalframe share improve this question works as I expected you have..