

java Programming Glossary: jira

JavaFX 2 modal window


2 share improve this question As Uluk said there is a JIRA issue. The issue has been closed and fixed in version 2.2 beta..

How to open an email client and automatically attach file in java [duplicate]


the most recent versions I could find to the project JIRA . JDIC doesn't play well in OSGi so I recently extracted the..

Hibernate JPA and Spring javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: no transaction is in progress


Preemptive Basic authentication with Apache HttpClient 4


Here is some code that we use found from their JIRA iirc Pre emptive authentication to speed things up BasicHttpContext..

Surefire is not picking up Junit 4 tests


heaven I have realized this while looking at project JIRA reports . This is especially true as there are no other alternatives..

Error starting jboss server


1.6.0_17 to _18 Anyway the workaround is described in the JIRA issue and also here . You need to change the content of conf..

proper hibernate annotation for byte[]


finally figured out what the original workaround in the JIRA issue was Apparently you are supposed to drop @Lob and annotate.. instead of bytea it did however work for the author of the JIRA issue who seemed to want oid. After the answer from A. Garcia..

Hidden features of Struts 2 framework [closed]


an excerpt from Jeromy Evans of the Struts project from a JIRA ticket The PatternMatcher is used to process variables in the..

Hibernate native query - char(3) column


of unresolved issues related to this problem in Hibernate JIRA starting from HHH 2220 . Here is an explanation by Max Rydahl..

How to prevent parameter binding from interpreting commas in Spring 3.0.5?


fix. I'll go ahead and log this as a bug on the Spring JIRA system. If anyone can provide a work around or fix with 3.0.5..

Self injection with Spring


Sam Core Spring Committer p.s. I've opened a Spring JIRA issue to consider supporting self autowiring by type using @Autowired...

Java XPath (Apache JAXP implementation) performance


experience this issue as well please upvote it on Apache JIRA https issues.apache.org jira browse XALANJ 2540 I have come..

How can I shutdown Spring task executor/scheduler pools before all other beans in the web app are destroyed?


fail because their dependencies are destroyed. There is a JIRA issue which might be relevant SPR 5387 My question is Is there..

What's new in Hibernate 4?


here. first of all please see The migration guide for 4.0 JIRA filter link which lists all improvements and new features in..

Could not Create Services for JIRA


not Create Services for JIRA I would like to create a service for JIRA. I'm using atlassian.. Services for JIRA I would like to create a service for JIRA. I'm using atlassian plugin sdk 3.8. I write program in java..

Why the NPE using static method of DatatypeConverter?


evidenced by this issue on Camel https issues.apache.org jira browse CAMEL 4893 which ultimately links to this issue http.. 4893 which ultimately links to this issue http java.net jira browse JAXB 860 in the JAXB project on java.net. I'm not entirely..

Jersey exception only thrown when depencencies assembled into a single jar


to handle merge of META INF services see http java.net jira browse JERSEY 440 focusedCommentId 14822 page com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels.. JERSEY 440 focusedCommentId 14822 page com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels 3Acomment tabpanel#action_14822..

Error starting jboss server


specific combinations of JRE and OS versions see https jira.jboss.org jira browse JBAS 6981 . Basically the JBoss config.. of JRE and OS versions see https jira.jboss.org jira browse JBAS 6981 . Basically the JBoss config is relying on..

Ensure minimal coverage on new Subversion commits


this We use many tools so perhaps I can use a plugin jira greenhopper fisheye sonar hudson . I was also thinking perhaps.. pre commit hook the Commit Acceptance Plugin for jira or something equivalent. Thoughts java svn unit testing code..

Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side?


2013 02 08 jsf going stateless force 255 http java.net jira browse JAVASERVERFACES 2731 http balusc.blogspot.de 2013 02..

Java XPath (Apache JAXP implementation) performance


please upvote it on Apache JIRA https issues.apache.org jira browse XALANJ 2540 I have come to an astonishing conclusion..

How serious is the Java7 “Solr/Lucene” bug?


we have hit e.g. sign flip stuff https issues.apache.org jira browse LUCENE 2975 . In that case we got wacky negative document..

Could not Create Services for JIRA


When i'm importing the atlassian api import com.atlassian.jira.project.ProjectManager import com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager.. import com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager ProjectManager pm ComponentManager.getInstance.. class ComponentManager location package com.atlassian.jira F services module src main java com first module MyPlugin.java..