

java Programming Glossary: jee

document not saving in spring jpa document manager application


similar to JTA requires a container managed datasource jee jndi lookup id jeedataSource jndi name jdbc mydbname enable.. requires a container managed datasource jee jndi lookup id jeedataSource jndi name jdbc mydbname enable the configuration of.. this dependency jeedataSource must be defined somewhere else property name dataSource..

How do I interact with OData from Java?


www.restlet.org www.restlet.org documentation snapshot jee ext org restlet ext odata package summary.html Is this the only..

Difference between configuring data source in persistence.xml and in spring configuration files


this when deploying to a JavaEE container datasource.xml jee jndi lookup id domainDataSource jndi lookup jndi MyDataSource..

Working with Php-Java Bridge


java_require not supported anymore. Please use tomcat or jee hot deployment instead Fatal error Uncaught o Exception java.lang.Exception..

Cannot locate message in MessageSource


context http www.springframework.org schema context xmlns jee http www.springframework.org schema jee xmlns lang http www.springframework.org.. context xmlns jee http www.springframework.org schema jee xmlns lang http www.springframework.org schema lang xmlns p.. spring context.xsd http www.springframework.org schema jee http www.springframework.org schema jee spring jee.xsd http..

How to provide a context configuration for a web application in Tomcat?


our spring configuration to define the dataSource we have jee jndi lookup id dataSource jndi name jdbc webapp For other properties..

Injection of autowired dependencies failed;


context http www.springframework.org schema context xmlns jee http www.springframework.org schema jee xmlns tx http www.springframework.org.. context xmlns jee http www.springframework.org schema jee xmlns tx http www.springframework.org schema tx xsi schemaLocation.. spring context 3.0.xsd http www.springframework.org schema jee http www.springframework.org schema jee spring jee 3.0.xsd http..

How to use JNDI DataSource provided by Tomcat in Spring?


configuration setup in the Spring context like this xmlns jee http www.springframework.org schema jee xsi schemaLocation http.. like this xmlns jee http www.springframework.org schema jee xsi schemaLocation http www.springframework.org schema jee .. jee xsi schemaLocation http www.springframework.org schema jee http www.springframework.org schema jee spring jee 3.2.xsd..