java Programming Glossary: ipaddress
How can I retrieve IP address from HTTP header in Java of Remote_Addr variable. Here is the sample code String ipAddress request.getHeader Remote_Addr If this code returns empty string.. If this code returns empty string then use this way String ipAddress request.getHeader HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if ipAddress null ipAddress.. String ipAddress request.getHeader HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR if ipAddress null ipAddress request.getRemoteAddr share improve this answer..
Android: How to Know an IP Address is a Wifi IP Address? continue if inetAddress.isLoopbackAddress String ipAddress Formatter.formatIpAddress inetAddress.hashCode Logger.d TAG.. inetAddress.hashCode Logger.d TAG Some Valid IPv4 is ipAddress return ipAddress catch SocketException ex Logger.e TAG ex.toString.. Logger.d TAG Some Valid IPv4 is ipAddress return ipAddress catch SocketException ex Logger.e TAG ex.toString return..
java code to ping an IP address String args throws UnknownHostException IOException String ipAddress InetAddress inet InetAddress.getByName ipAddress System.out.println.. ipAddress InetAddress inet InetAddress.getByName ipAddress System.out.println Sending Ping Request to ipAddress System.out.println.. ipAddress System.out.println Sending Ping Request to ipAddress System.out.println inet.isReachable 5000 Host is reachable Host..
How can I parse XML using Java? Java xml version 1.0 input sys protocol TL1 protocol ipAddress ipAddress port 2001 port prompt agent prompt TL1Command.. 1.0 input sys protocol TL1 protocol ipAddress ipAddress port 2001 port prompt agent prompt TL1Command type get type.. payload_block TL1Command sys sys protocol TL1 protocol ipAddress ipAddress port 2001 port prompt agent prompt TL1Command..
Set timeout for socket socket When I create a socket Socket socket new Socket ipAddress port It throws exception which is ok because the IP Address.. which is ok because the IP Address is not available. ipAddress is String example and port 300 is int . My problem.. socket new Socket socket.connect new InetSocketAddress ipAddress port 1000 Quoting from the documentation connect public void..
Sending a message to all running client threads Object messages private Socket socket public Client String IPAddress int port throws IOException socket new Socket IPAddress port.. IPAddress int port throws IOException socket new Socket IPAddress port messages new LinkedBlokingQueue Object server new ConnecionToServer..
Getting the 'external' IP address in Java a computer outside of a network would see it. My following IPAddress class only gets the local IP address of the machine. Any help.. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. public class IPAddress private InetAddress thisIp private String thisIpAddress private..
IP Address to Hostname in Java? rtr2 I am trying to find a way to convert from an IPAddress to the HostName programmatically through Java APIs. Pseudocode.. HostName programmatically through Java APIs. Pseudocode IPAddress ip new IPAddress String host ip.getHost System.out.println.. through Java APIs. Pseudocode IPAddress ip new IPAddress String host ip.getHost System.out.println host..