java Programming Glossary: invest
Efficient XSLT pipeline in Java (or redirecting Results to Sources) if you haven't taken a look at yet but I didn't want to invest in a whole framework. java xslt dom sax pipeline share improve..
Pet project ideas in Java console applications but I'm looking for something to invest my time in. I would like a project that is complex enough to..
Struts or Spring MVC or Struts & Spring? [closed] combo are shops who already know Struts and don't want to invest the time into learning how Spring MVC works. share improve..
How to make JTextPane autoscroll only when scroll bar is at bottom and scroll lock is off? out the behavior. If the behavior works well for you then invest a little time in studying the code. I have included comments..
What is the difference between swing and awt? might work differently on each platform. People used to invest lots of effort to get their AWT applications to work consistently..
Java Regex Helper the necessary infrastructure support is there before you invest too much. Otherwise you too may get stuck without any real options..
JSF 2 - How can I add an Ajax listener method to composite component interface? I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. For that I'd need to invest some more time to naildown it. However it was workaroundable..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table? in 50 30 10 18 3 24 That's it. I strongly recommend to invest some time in properly learning the CSS selector syntax as Jsoup..