java Programming Glossary: involved
When comparing two Integers in Java does auto-unboxing occur? is unboxed and the test is applied to the primitive values involved. This occurs as part of binary numeric promotion JLS section..
What are the differences between the different saving methods in Hibernate? But when you have a transient object there is no session involved. In these cases you need to use merge for updates and persist..
Java Enum definition a message and they come as pairs of types. The interfaces involved are public interface IBuilder TMessage TBuilder where TMessage..
Appending files to a zip file with Java writing part cumbersome especially when directories where involved. I'll recommend you to try out the TrueZIP open source apache..
Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer which used a few tricks so that only integer math was involved required some hacks to avoid overflow I want this function to..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? EDIT I would like to have opinions on several aspects involved Synchronization Reusability Testing Thanks in advance. java..
How to capture video using JMF, but without installing JMF having to install it. There really isn't a lot of work involved with this and you can incorporate it into your custom installer..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] Java Charts for Android Just to summarize his solution involved using a JavaScript library flot built on top of jQuery. This..
Calling virtual method in base class constructor constructor document it very strongly. So long as everyone involved is aware of what it's doing it shouldn't cause too many problems...
How do I address unchecked cast warnings? this one yet though. I can extract the single line involved out to a method by itself and add @SuppressWarnings unchecked..
Java Swing; Two classes, where to put if statements and new actionlisteners? How can i add an if statement when there are two classes involved And if i want to add a new actionlistener for a button to stop..
Swing: Obtain Image of JFrame specifying the coordinates and dimensions of the JFrame involved. However I believe that there is a better way Swing components..
java: “final” System.out, and System.err? final field is immune to synchronization the barrier involved in a lock or volatile read does not have to affect what value..
Why isn't calling a static method by way of an instance an error for the Java compiler? it's too late to fix it due to the compatibility issues involved. Yes it can lead to very misleading code. Yes you should avoid..
JSF2.0 doesn't support cross-field validation, is there a workaround? field with a f validator wherein you reference all involved components as f attribute . If you declare it before the to.. the to be validated components then the values of the involved components are already converted and validated and you should..
What is the difference between Class.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResource()? edit I especially want to know if any caching is involved on file directory level. As in are directory listings cached..
What are the rules for evaluation order in Java? of C A is evaluated first regardless of the fact that C is involved in a multiplication and A is involved only in an addition. So.. the fact that C is involved in a multiplication and A is involved only in an addition. So now you have enough information to answer..
Is there a way to refer to the current type with a type variable? or abused. To prevent that allow none of the classes involved to be publicly extended notice my use of the package private..
Stretch a JLabel text changes as well. I saw some solution that could work It involved calculating and setting the font size so it appears the right..