java Programming Glossary: invocations
Why is Singleton considered an anti pattern in Java world sometimes? and by their very nature may retain state across invocations. For that reason the principle of dependency injection is popular...
What is the list of valid @SuppressWarnings warning names in Java? warnings relative to overriding a method without super invocations List for Juno adds resource to suppress warnings relative to..
java.sql.SQLException: - ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded ResultSets PreparedStatements etc over different remote invocations let the Application Server manage this. The Application Server..
Real differences between “java -server” and “java -client”? such as aggressive inlining across virtual method invocations. This is a competitive and performance advantage over static..
How to run test methods in specific order in JUnit4? do I use a test fixture ... The ordering of test method invocations is not guaranteed so testOneItemCollection might be executed..
JSF 2.0 AJAX: Call a bean method from javascript with jsf.ajax.request (or some other way) but the answers given only refer to XML based AJAX invocations. There is also another similar question but that refers to XML..
Java synchronized static methods: lock on object or class class The Java Tutorials say it is not possible for two invocations of synchronized methods on the same object to interleave. What..
How can i catch Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) exceptions? then this method will return tt false tt and all following invocations of this method will return tt false tt immediately. An exception..
what does it mean when they say http is stateless client is stateless because it remembers nothing between invocations. EVERY resource that is accessed via HTTP is a single request..
A better way to run code for a period of time after the long running task completes or misses four invocations completely. Scheduled thread pools address this limitation by..
The JPA hashCode() / equals() dilemma hashCode equals are broken I mean that successive hashCode invocations may return differing values which is when correctly implemented..
How to pass by reference in Java is sometimes employed to return values from inline class invocations. void play int toyNumber System.out.println Toy number in play..
Starting a process with inherited stdin/stdout/stderr in Java 6 The copy method looks to be what you need. The copy method invocations will need to be in separate threads. Here is the basic code..
On-the-fly, in-memory java code compilation for Java 5 and Java 6 a special classloader that can be recycled for multiple invocations. While I do know how to research it I'd prefer a ready solution...
Why are interface method invocations slower than concrete invocations? are interface method invocations slower than concrete invocations This is question comes in.. are interface method invocations slower than concrete invocations This is question comes in mind when I finding difference between..
Using Scala traits with implemented methods in Java bar return Trait2 this So the whole stack invocations are as follows 'bar' method on FooOnSteroids instance entry..
What is local/remote and no-interface view in EJB? with certain initial contexts . That was because all invocations are made through a special EJB reference proxy provided by the..
JUnit theory for hashCode/equals contract true For any non null reference values x and y multiple invocations of x.equals y consistently return true or consistently return..
What are Dynamic Proxy classes and why would I use one? that needs to provide type safe reflective dispatch of invocations on objects that present interface APIs share improve this answer..