java Programming Glossary: invokestatic
Is this valid Java? locals 1 Call the method that returns String aconst_null invokestatic TestWillThatCompile f Ljava util List Ljava lang String Call.. String Call the method that returns Integer aconst_null invokestatic TestWillThatCompile f Ljava util List Ljava lang Integer return.. String 4 dup 5 iconst_0 6 ldc #5 String asdf 8 aastore 9 invokestatic #6 Method java util Arrays.asList Ljava lang Object Ljava util..
Should Java methods be static by default? 6 getfield #2 app WithStaticMethods.value 9 imul 10 invokestatic #3 app WithStaticMethods.helper 13 ireturn The differences are.. aload_0 instruction the helper method is now called with invokestatic Well the code of the helper function is also a little bit different..
What code does the compiler generate for autoboxing? public static void main java.lang.String Code 0 iconst_3 1 invokestatic #2 Method java lang Integer.valueOf I Ljava lang Integer 4 astore_1..
Why are compiled Java class files smaller than C compiled files? 16 iload_0 17 isub 18 istore_0 lo hi lo 19 iload_0 20 invokestatic #12 print lo 23 goto 4 end of while loop 26 return each command..
String valueOf vs concatenation with empty string int public void bar Code 0 iconst_5 1 istore_1 2 iload_1 3 invokestatic #8 Method java lang String.valueOf I Ljava lang Stri ng 6 astore_2..