

java Programming Glossary: got

Reasons of getting a java.lang.VerifyError


occurs. When I changed the methodname and got the following error java.lang.VerifyError class be post ehr..

Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField?


void run Only set the caret if the textfield hasn't got a selection on it if dot mark field.getCaret .setDot dot ..

Polymorphism vs Overriding vs Overloading


create a human that is neither Male nor Female. It ™s got to be one or the other. So we defer the implementation by using..

Java maximum memory on Windows XP


new Windows XP machine using Java 1.5_16 and 1.6.0_07 and got the error Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not..

What is a stack overflow error?


deal with them you'll need to examine your code. If you've got functions that call themselves then check that you've got a.. got functions that call themselves then check that you've got a terminating condition. If you have then check than when calling.. and the terminating condition is useless. If you've got no obvious recursive functions then check to see if you're calling..

How do I fade an image in swing?


do I fade an image in swing I've got class which inherits from JPanel with an image on it and i want..

Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java?


these tests. Nevertheless thanks a lot for your answers I got a bunch of new insight. java null nullpointerexception code..

Howto unescape a Java string literal in Java


x set minus 2216 The Solution So this morning I finally got fed up with not being able to read in strings with embedded..

Java - sending HTTP parameters via POST method easily


are still sent via GET method. Has HttpURLConnection got any method that would help Is there any helpful Java construct..

Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions?


good news and bad news. The good news is that I ™ve now got a very close approximation to an extended grapheme cluster to..

java wait cursor display problem


the component which wants to display a busy cursor. I got the idea from the following articles on the net. Wait Cursor..

How to create a windows service from java app


a service let alone from something like a java app I've got a jar for the app and a single dependency jar log4j . What is.. is the magic necessary to make this run as a service I've got the source so code modifications though preferably avoided are..

When to use <ui:include>, tag files, composite components and/or custom components?


I started using JSF 2.0 with Facelets recently and got puzzled by new composite components knowing existing ui include..

Dynamically Add Components to a JDialog


BorderLayout.CENTER SOLUTION I used mre's solution and got it to work. Here is my final function @Action public void addNewField..

Can't get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Future<?> and SwingWorker if thread starts Executor


improve this question I'm not sure it adds much but I got the expected Caused by using the variation of takteek's answer..

Java String.equals versus == [duplicate]


code although you should still check that you've actually got some tokens in the datos array otherwise you'll get an array..

How to parse a date?


What's the problem How can I parse this format PS. I got this date from a jDatePicker and there is no instruction on..

java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed


null buffer reader.readLine result.append buffer end while Got the contents. reader.close java sockets share improve this..

Dependency injection with Jersey 2.0


@Path getit public String getIt return Got it myService @Resource @ManagedBean public class MyService..

Validating input using java.util.Scanner


sc.nextInt while number 0 System.out.println Thank you Got number Here's an example session Please enter a positive number.. not a number 3 Please enter a positive number 5 Thank you Got 5 Note how much easier Scanner.hasNextInt is to use compared.. sc.next String vowel sc.next System.out.println Thank you Got vowel Here's an example session Please enter a vowel lowercase..

Java Generics


element aList.get 0 no cast needed System.out.println Got one element Now if you take a look at the infamous gang of four's..

How would you code an efficient Circular Buffer in Java or C#


b b.add Two System.out.println Two b System.out.println Got ' b.get ' now b b.add Three System.out.println Three b Test.. b.add Four System.out.println Four b System.out.println Got ' b.get ' now b System.out.println Got ' b.get ' now b Test.. System.out.println Got ' b.get ' now b System.out.println Got ' b.get ' now b Test Underflow System.out.println Got ' b.get..

Why won't this generic java code compile?


error java generics share improve this question Got it. This actually isn't a bug strange as it might seem. From..

Image/Graphic into a Shape


image color include tolerance System.out.println Got Area new Date name final BufferedImage result drawOutline w..

Can't get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException from Future<?> and SwingWorker if thread starts Executor


is is.printStackTrace but output is still and only Got exception would be so hard to get any exception s from this.. be so hard to get any exception s from this BlackBox run Got exception Thread Status with Name StartShedule SwingWorker Status.. Status with Name StartShedule SwingWorker Status is DONE Got exception Thread Status with Name StartShedule SwingWorker Status..

Android - Start service on boot


below and I added logging such as Log.v BatteryLogger Got to onReceive about to start service to the onReceive handler..

GSON throwing “Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY”?


how should I fix it Thanks EDIT Thanks for your replys. Got it working that way. Gson gson new Gson JsonParser parser new..