java Programming Glossary: googlecredential.builder
BigQuery and OAuth2 new JacksonFactory GoogleCredential credentials new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY .setServiceAccountId..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API new JacksonFactory GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY .. Bearer HttpRequestInitializer credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY .setClientSecrets..
OAuth Google API for Java unable to impersonate user void main String args try GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY .. email address as follows GoogleCredential credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY ..
Google Drive service account returns 403 usageLimits is the code I'm using GoogleCredential credentials new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY..
Youtube Analytics & Google Service Account authenticate with ServiceAccount service credential new GoogleCredential.Builder .setTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT .setJsonFactory JSON_FACTORY..